
39 Best Personal Voicemail Greeting Examples for Cell Phone

Setting up a personal voicemail greeting on your cell phone can make a big difference in leaving a good first impression. Below are examples of different types of voicemail greetings suitable for various needs and occasions.

Examples of Voicemail Greetings

Professional Voicemail Greeting Examples

  1. “Hello, you’ve reached [Your Name] at [Company Name]. I’m currently unavailable, but please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”
  2. “Hi, this is [Your Name] from [Department]. I’m unable to take your call right now. Please leave a message, and I will return your call within one business day.”
  3. “Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. I’m currently either on another call or away from my desk. Please leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.”
  4. “You’ve reached [Your Name] at [Department]. I’m unavailable at the moment. Please leave your contact info and the purpose of your call.”
  5. “Hi, this is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. Thank you for calling. Leave a detailed message, and I’ll return your call promptly.”
  6. “Hello, this is [Your Name]. I’m out of the office. Please leave a message or send an email to [].”
  7. “Hi, this is [Your Name] at [Company Name]. I’m unavailable right now. Leave a message, and I’ll get back to you.”
  8. “Thank you for calling [Company Name]. This is [Your Name]. I’m currently unavailable. Please leave your name and phone number.”
  9. “Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Department]. I’m not available to take your call. Please leave a message, and Iโ€™ll call you back.”
  10. “Hi, this is [Your Name], your [Job Title] at [Company Name]. Please leave a message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”

Funny Voicemail Greeting Examples

  1. “You’ve reached [Your Name]. I can’t pick up right now because my phone and I are having some quality time apart.”
  2. “Hi, you’ve reached [Your Name]. I’m either away from my phone or just avoiding your call. Leave a message!”
  3. “Hello! You’ve reached [Your Name]. I can’t come to the phone right now, because I’m probably taking a nap. Leave a message.”
  4. “Hey there, it’s [Your Name]. Leave a message after the beep or send a text if you’re allergic to voicemails.”
  5. “Hi, this is [Your Name]. I’m out catching Pokemon. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you!”
  6. “Hey, this is [Your Name]. I’m probably off doing something more fun than answering my phone. Leave a message!”
  7. “Hi, you’ve reached the voicemail of [Your Name]. I’m either busy or avoiding someone I don’t want to talk to. Leave a message.”
  8. “Hello, this is [Your Name]. I’m away from my phone trying to figure out life. Leave a message, and I’ll call you back.”
  9. “Hey, it’s [Your Name]. I’m currently planning my world domination. Leave a message!”
  10. “Hi, this is [Your Name]. I’m not answering my phone because Iโ€™m probably trying to cook something complicated. Leave a message!”

Holiday Voicemail Greeting Examples

  1. “Happy Holidays! You’ve reached [Your Name]. I’m away for the holidays but leave your message, and I’ll get back to you when I return.”
  2. “Season’s Greetings! This is [Your Name]. I’m currently out enjoying the holiday season. Please leave a message.”
  3. “Hello! Merry Christmas! This is [Your Name]. I’m not available at the moment. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you after the holidays.”
  4. “Hi, you’ve reached [Your Name]. I’m celebrating the New Year. Leave your message, and I’ll return your call next year.”
  5. “Happy Hanukkah! This is [Your Name]. I’m away for celebrations. Leave a message and I’ll call you back.”
  6. “Season’s Greetings! This is [Your Name]. I’m away for the festive season. Leave a message.”
  7. “Hi, it’s [Your Name]. I’m celebrating Christmas with my family. Leave a message, and I’ll get back to you.”
  8. “Happy Holidays from [Your Name]! Please leave a message, and I’ll return your call after the celebrations.”
  9. “Hello, it’s [Your Name]. I’m enjoying some holiday time. Leave your message, and I’ll call you back after the holidays.”
  10. “Merry Christmas! This is [Your Name]. I’m currently out celebrating. Please leave a message.”

Short Voicemail Greeting Examples

  1. “Hi, this is [Your Name]. Leave a message.”
  2. “Hello, you’ve reached [Your Name]. Please leave a message.”
  3. “Hey, it’s [Your Name]. You know what to do.”
  4. “This is [Your Name]. Leave a message, please!”
  5. “Hi, [Your Name] here. Leave your message.”
  6. “Hello, you’ve reached [Your Name]. Message, please!”
  7. “This is [Your Name]. Leave it at the beep.”
  8. “Hi, this is [Your Name]. Talk to me after the tone.”
  9. “Hey, it’s [Your Name]. Leave a message.”

Q & A

How can I create a unique personal voicemail greeting for my cell phone?

Start by thinking about what makes you unique. Mention your name, a hobby, or something personal. For example, “Hi, this is Alex. I’m probably out hiking right now. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you soon!”

  35 Real Estate Agent Voicemail Greeting Scripts and Examples

Can you provide examples of short but effective voicemail greetings?

Simple and clear messages work great. For instance, “Hi, this is Sarah. I can’t take your call at the moment, but please leave a message.” Or, “You’ve reached Mark. Leave a message and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”

What should I include in a voicemail greeting to make it sound professional?

Mention your name, your role if it’s for work, and ask the caller to leave a message. For example, “Hello, this is Dr. Ann Smith. I’m unable to answer your call right now. Please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible.”

Posted in: Phone and Voicemail