
Leadership Feedback Examples (Strengths & Areas of Improvement)

Providing feedback on your manager’s leadership performance is essential for their growth and the overall success of your team. Performance evaluations help identify the strengths and weaknesses in your manager’s leadership style. By providing honest and constructive feedback, you contribute to their professional development, and this, in turn, benefits the entire team. Improved leadership can lead to a more motivated and productive team, ensuring that everyone is working towards common goals.

Leadership performance reviews also facilitate open communication between you and your manager. This allows you to share your perspectives, clarify expectations, and develop a mutual understanding of what is working and what isn’t.

These evaluations also provide an opportunity for your personal growth. By taking the time to thoughtfully review your manager’s leadership skills, you can better understand your own expectations and preferences in terms of leadership style. This self-awareness can help you more effectively navigate your future professional relationships.

See also: How To Write a Manager Performance Review? (with Examples)

Tips for Providing Effective Feedback

Be Specific and Clear

When providing feedback to your manager, it’s crucial to be specific and clear. Instead of using vague statements, pinpoint exact behaviors or actions that require improvement. Offer concrete examples to illustrate your points.

For example, instead of saying, “You need to improve your communication” say, “During the last team meeting, your instructions regarding the project deadline seemed unclear, which caused confusion”.


Focus on Strengths and Areas of Improvement

Effective feedback should include both positive aspects and areas of improvement. Recognize your manager’s strengths and express appreciation for their efforts. This helps build trust and creates a balanced feedback conversation.

For example, you could say, “I appreciate your dedication to the team’s success, especially your willingness to work late hours. However, I do believe we could improve our communication to ensure everyone is on the same page”.

Practice Active Listening

Feedback should be a two-way conversation. If feedback is delivered verbally, listen carefully to your manager’s perspective and be open to their thoughts and suggestions. Maintain eye contact, ask follow-up questions, and reflect on their responses.

See also: What Is Active Listening? (Examples, How-to’s, Best Practices)

Examples of Feedback for Managers

Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential for a successful leader. Consider providing feedback to your manager on their communication style and suggest areas for improvement. You might discuss:

  • Clarity and conciseness of directions
  • Engagement in meetings and discussions
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For example, “I’ve noticed that sometimes it’s difficult to understand your expectations for a project. Providing clearer instructions could help our team better meet your goals”.

Team Building and Collaboration

Strong team dynamics contribute to a productive work environment. Offer ideas for strengthening your manager’s approach to team building, such as:

  • Encouraging team interaction and bonding
  • Addressing conflicts and facilitating resolution
  • Recognizing the unique strengths of each team member

An example feedback could be, “It would be great to have more team-building activities to further enhance our collaboration skills and interpersonal relationships”.

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Leaders must be decisive and capable of resolving issues. Reflect on your manager’s problem-solving tactics and suggest ways to improve, such as:

  • Involving team members in the decision-making process
  • Considering different perspectives before settling on a solution
  • Communicating the rationale behind a decision

You might say, “Including more of the team’s input when making decisions can lead to better-informed choices and increased buy-in from the team”.

Time Management and Organization

Managers must manage their time and resources effectively. Offer feedback on your manager’s time management skills, focusing on aspects like:

  • Prioritizing tasks and delegating responsibilities
  • Allocating enough time for projects and meetings
  • Staying organized with deadlines and schedules

An example of this feedback could be, “If we could allocate more time to discuss project updates during meetings, it would help us stay on track with our deadlines”.

Examples of Positive Leadership Feedback

  • Your leadership skills have been exceptional this year, and your team has consistently exceeded their targets under your guidance.
  • Your ability to communicate effectively with your team has resulted in a highly motivated and engaged group of employees.
  • Your strategic thinking has been instrumental in helping the company achieve its goals and objectives.
  • Your commitment to professional development has been evident in the growth and development of your team members.
  • Your strong work ethic has set a positive example for your team and has contributed to the success of the company.
  • Your ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously has been impressive, and your attention to detail has ensured that all
  • projects are completed on time and to a high standard.
  • Your willingness to take on new challenges and responsibilities has demonstrated your dedication to the company and your desire to grow professionally.
  • Your positive attitude and ability to maintain a calm demeanor in high-pressure situations have been invaluable to your team.
  • Your ability to collaborate with other departments and stakeholders has resulted in successful cross-functional projects.
  • Your commitment to promoting a positive and inclusive work environment has fostered a sense of community and teamwork among your team members.
  • Your ability to provide constructive feedback and coaching has helped your team members improve their skills and performance.
  • Your strong problem-solving skills have enabled you to overcome obstacles and find effective solutions to complex challenges.
  • Your commitment to innovation has resulted in new ideas and approaches that have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations.
  • Your attention to detail and quality has ensured that all deliverables meet or exceed expectations.
  • Your ability to prioritize tasks and delegate responsibilities has resulted in a well-organized and productive team.
  • Your flexibility and adaptability have enabled you to navigate changes and challenges with ease.
  • Your ability to build and maintain strong relationships with clients and stakeholders has contributed to the success of our business.
  • Your commitment to continuous improvement has resulted in ongoing enhancements to our processes and procedures.
  • Your focus on safety and compliance has ensured that our operations are conducted in a responsible and ethical manner.
  • Your ability to inspire and motivate your team has resulted in a positive and productive work environment.
  • Your strong analytical skills have enabled you to analyze data and make informed decisions that have benefited the company.
  • Your ability to manage conflict and resolve disputes has resulted in a harmonious and collaborative workplace.
  • Your commitment to customer service has ensured that our clients receive the highest level of satisfaction.
  • Your ability to manage budgets and resources has resulted in cost savings and increased profitability.
  • Your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion has fostered a culture of respect and equality within our organization.

Areas of Improvement Examples

  • You have a lot of potential as a leader, but there are areas where you could benefit from further development and training.
  • Your communication skills are strong, but there is room for improvement in terms of providing more frequent and detailed feedback to team members.
  • You have a great work ethic, but could benefit from delegating more responsibilities to team members to promote their growth and development.
  • You have a strong vision for the company, but could benefit from more frequent check-ins with team members to ensure alignment and engagement.
  • You have a great attention to detail, but could benefit from delegating more responsibilities to team members to avoid burnout.
  • You have a positive attitude, but could benefit from more frequent recognition and praise for team members to promote a positive work environment.
  • You have strong analytical skills, but could benefit from more frequent collaboration with other departments and stakeholders to promote cross-functional success.
  • You have a great sense of humor, but could benefit from more frequent team-building activities to promote team cohesion and morale.
  • You have a strong commitment to professional development, but could benefit from more frequent coaching and mentoring of team members to promote their growth and development.
  • You have a strong sense of empathy, but could benefit from more frequent recognition and support of team members to promote their well-being.
  • You have a great ability to manage multiple projects, but could benefit from more frequent prioritization of tasks to avoid burnout and stress.
  • You have a strong work ethic, but could benefit from more frequent delegation of responsibilities to promote a more balanced workload among team members.
  • You have a great ability to manage conflict, but could benefit from more frequent communication with team members to proactively address issues before they escalate.
  • You have a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, but could benefit from more frequent training and education to promote a more inclusive work environment.
  • You have a great ability to inspire and motivate team members, but could benefit from more frequent recognition and support to promote their engagement and productivity.

To summarize, it is important to approach the situation with clear communication and a focus on constructive criticism. Some tips for offering valuable input include:

  • Being specific with your observations and feedback
  • Focusing on actionable items
  • Considering your manager’s strengths and areas for improvement
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Examples of effective feedback could be highlighting how your manager successfully managed a difficult project, while also pointing out opportunities to improve communication during team meetings.

See also: How To Write a Manager Performance Review? (with Examples)

26 Example Paragraphs for Performance Reviews [Positive & Negative Feedback]
2000+ Performance Review Phrases: The Complete List (Performance Feedback Examples)

Posted in: Leadership Feedback