
Free Shift Handover Software: Status Platform (100+ Free Business Applets)

What Is Shift Handover Software?

Shift Handover Software is a modern software tool that is used by many organizations to improve shift-to-shift communication.


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— Poor shift handover resulting in devastating and catastrophic incidents
— Shift communication mistakes
— Less opportunities to share critical information during shift handover
— Employees are misinformed and confused about current and new plans
— Employees forget shift handover checklist items
— Supervisors aren’t able to see shift crew logs
— Shift crew fatigue from manual collection and collation of shift information
— Personnel become uneasy and worried about their general safety due to messy data collection
— Makes daily operations a difficult and frustrating task
— More time spent and wasted exchanging critical and highly detailed information
— Employees struggle with forgotten or unexpected work
— Lack of transparency on tasks and follow-up status

Shift Handover Software allows you to:

  • Identify higher risk handovers
  • Develop employees’ communication skills
  • Emphasize the importance of shift handover
  • Provide procedures for shift handover
  • Ensure that maintenance work is completed in a timely manner
  • Increase safety confidence
  • Capture all critical information
  • Share information with the right personnel
  • Optimize communication between departments and crews
  • Ensure that important regulations are met
  • Pinpoint the true cause and scale of downtime, losses, and waste
  • Measure and benchmark site production performance effectively
  • Provide a simpler decision-making process
  • Drive continuous improvement
  • Provide easy-to-understand analytics
  • Automate all processes that are critical to a safe shift handover
  • Increase operational efficiency


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Here are the features of Shift Handover Software products:

  • Capture all critical information from each shift
  • No more papers, spreadsheets, Word documents, etc.
  • Organized in a structured and easy-to-find shift information format
  • Ensure follow-up work instructions are assigned to the right person
  • Real-time overview
  • High-risk areas are identified consistently
  • Facilitate communication between operators and maintenance
  • 24/7 shift communication
  • Boost operational efficiency
  • User dashboards and real-time reports
  • Timeline screen shows system generated logs automatically

Shift Handover Management Solutions

Forms with predefined fields help your team keep accurate and uniform records.
Use any of these easily customizable form templates (edit it to customize or even create a new one from scratch).

Customizable forms allow you to:

  • Easily edit or create forms with zero coding and no technical expertise
  • Add different types of fields, edit fields, and remove fields
  • Tweak forms easily at any time

Samples of fully customizable forms

handover report

Edit and use this template


end of shift report

Edit and use this template


Also useful:

daily status update

Edit and use this template


simple order

Edit and use this template


standing order

Edit and use this template


maintenance request

Edit and use this template


work order

Edit and use this template


work order quick

Edit and use this template


expense log

Edit and use this template


expense reimbursement

Edit and use this template


cash logbook

Edit and use this template


purchasing request

Edit and use this template


check register

Edit and use this template


travel reimbursement request

Edit and use this template


hardware request

Edit and use this template


equipment rental log equipment checkout

Edit and use this template


5s checklist

Edit and use this template


facility inspection round checklist

Edit and use this template


floor round checklist

Edit and use this template


job safety analysis

Edit and use this template


roof inspection checklist

Edit and use this template


inspection round checklist

Edit and use this template


fire risk assessment checklist

Edit and use this template


security checklist

Edit and use this template


employee information management

Edit and use this template


new hire questionnaire

Edit and use this template


hiring process feedback 5 minute experience survey

Edit and use this template


candidate evaluation

Edit and use this template


employee exit questionnaire

Edit and use this template


disciplinary action management

Edit and use this template


training evaluation

Edit and use this template


time off request

Edit and use this template


vacation request

Edit and use this template


travel request

Edit and use this template


change request

Edit and use this template


employee review

Edit and use this template


employee self evaluation

Edit and use this template


360 feedback performance review

Edit and use this template


peer evaluation

Edit and use this template


employee assessment

Edit and use this template


performance appraisal

Edit and use this template


employee feedback regular

Edit and use this template


employee performance review

Edit and use this template


employee satisfaction

Edit and use this template


employee pulse quick

Edit and use this template


employee pulse full

Edit and use this template


employee questionnaire work and staff benefits policies

Edit and use this template


employee questionnaire organizational culture

Edit and use this template


incident near misses hazard alert immediate attention

Edit and use this template


incident report

Edit and use this template


near miss report

Edit and use this template


team goals for the next x weeks

Edit and use this template


time off announcements

Edit and use this template


suggestion box

Edit and use this template


lessons learned

Edit and use this template


weekly status update on track at risk off track

Edit and use this template


daily huddle

Edit and use this template


weekly progress report achievements adjustments goals

Edit and use this template


status report

Edit and use this template



  • Add an unlimited number of attachments (documents, images, photos, videos, audio notes, files) to a record
  • Add, remove, and assign new team members — all with a few clicks, at any time
  • No technical expertise is required


Set up and roll out business software in hours, not months.

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How to start:

  1. Create your account and create a new applet by selecting a customizable template. Set up reminders if you want your team members to receive automatic email reminders.
    Easily configure who will submit entries and who will view them.
  2. Users will click the “Open Submission Form” button to fill it out and submit it. Set the applet as “Team-wide” if you want all team members to view each other’s records.
    Alternatively, you can allow each participant to view his/her own records only and stakeholders to view all entries.

    status form example
  3. As soon as a new record is added, participants with “View” rights will receive an email notification and can view it in real time on the Timeline screen.
    timeline screen
  4. The dashboard screen allows you to save time when you want to check a high-level overview, with quick one-click retrieval of the relevant information.
    status dashboard example



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Status Platform:

  • Collaborative work
  • Easily retrieve data
  • Export data or share it online with configurable access permissions for each member
  • Allow support for different business scenarios with granular permissions for team members and team guests
  • Protect data with 256 SSL encryption
  • Back up data automatically
  • Configure email reminder alerts for your employees
  • View data in real time
  • Access historical data instantly with powerful search and filters
  • Access data from any device with mobile-friendly and easy-to-use interface


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