
Conducting a Productive Sales Meeting [2 Agenda Templates Download]

An Essential Guide to Effective Sales Meeting + Free Downloads

A sales meeting is an important factor in ensuring positive productivity and sales results. It is a valuable opportunity to empower sales team members by motivating them and showing them the management’s support. It is also a useful tool to enhance communication between team members. A simple idea or a tip shared during these meetings can expand into bigger and bolder strategies. It is also through these meetings that efforts can be acknowledged, and issues can addressed by the management.

Ensuring the success of these sales meetings starts from having a well-prepared agenda. Having an agenda for upcoming meetings ensures that they are organized and topics are prioritized. It will also help the attendees prepare for the meetings, and they will have an idea how their time will be spent during the meetings.

Sales meeting agenda templates are available online and may be downloaded from the Internet. A team may also create and customize its own sales meeting agenda template, according to its preference. Wherever the source, using a model ensures consistency and uniformity, and more importantly, preparing one will be easier since the fields in the template will guide the person making it. For more information on preparing agenda, please read this article.


Part 1

In conducting an effective sales meeting, here are some points that should be considered;

  • Start the meeting with an energetic activity or something that will break the ice among the attendees. By starting the meeting with a light and fun activity, the participants’ senses are stimulated, and they are given time to prepare and to adjust into the mindset of cooperation and collaboration. They will also become more open to sharing and discussing their ideas.
  • Add value to the meeting by allowing the team members to learn one key sales-related competency which will enhance their skills.
  • Allow the attendees to share their individual good practices or techniques that have helped them to improve their own work performances.
  • Recognize the team and the team members’ efforts and reward those who are exemplary. Sales meetings should not just be about the meetings themselves, but they should also be about people. Motivate team members by acknowledging the good things they have done. Acknowledge things that made positive impact and increased their sales or improved their performance. The best vehicle to do this is the sales meeting.
  • Sales meetings are best done in a uniform and consistent schedule. Give the team something to look forward to and to be accountable for each week.

Some people say that time spent sitting on a sales meeting is better spent in the field. This has long been the way sales people look at sales meetings. The reason might be that they have attended meetings which only wasted their time and was not very productive for them. Preparation and proper conduct of a sales meeting are the keys to ensure that these meetings help everyone become more insightful, creative, and innovative in their approach to increasing their sales performance.
Part 2

Sales Meeting Template: Free Download

sales meeting template

Click Here to Download Sales Meeting Agenda Template DOCX

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sales meeting template 2

Click Here to Download Sales Meeting Agenda Template 2 DOC




ProsperForms — receive reports from your team members on autopilot. 100+ forms available: reports, logbooks, requests, etc. or build your own. View and manage data on Timeline and Dashboard screens, generate consolidated PDF reports. Get Started


Templates on ProsperForms:

meeting agenda

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meeting minutes

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ProsperForms — receive reports from your team members on autopilot. 100+ forms available: reports, logbooks, requests, etc. or build your own. View and manage data on Timeline and Dashboard screens, generate consolidated PDF reports. Get Started


meeting minutes with decisions and action items

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pre one on one meeting questions

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post one on one action items

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Part 3


Additional Sources

  1. How to Write a Weekly Sales Report + Free Template Download
  2. How to Create a Meeting Agenda Template + Free Download
  3. How to Create Meeting Minutes Template + Free Download