
Best Status Report Templates [25+ Free Samples]

What is the purpose of a status report?

  • The primary purpose of a status report is to present updates on a project or activity, monitor its actual progress versus the targets, discuss issues and challenges encountered during the reporting period, and other matters which may need the attention of stakeholders.

Part 1

Types of Status Reports

Here are some general tips on how to effectively write a status report:


  1. Find out the exact information required to be in the report. It is important to get the information from the persons involved to minimize time and effort to be spent on making the report.
  2. Find out if there is a standard format or template for the kind of status report. With a standard format, it will be easier to determine what information should be included in the report and there is a lesser chance of missing out on important things.
  3. An ideal report presentation should discuss the accomplishments first, then the plans, and then the other matters on the third part. Bottlenecks, issues, risks, and other important concerns may also be discussed in the third part.
  4. Just like any work-related documents, a status report also reflects the personality of its creator. If it is free from typographical errors, impeccably prepared, and well-thought, it shows the personality of the writer of the report.

Part 2

Status Report Free Download

If you need a general-purpose status report, check this free sample:

status report template

Click Here to Download Status Report Template XLSX





You can also use the following templates on ProsperForms:

weekly project status report form template

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ProsperForms — receive reports from your team members on autopilot. 100+ forms available: reports, logbooks, requests, etc. or build your own. View and manage data on Timeline and Dashboard screens, generate consolidated PDF reports. Get Started


weekly status report form template

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weekly status report project based form template

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executive one page status report form template

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ProsperForms — receive reports from your team members on autopilot. 100+ forms available: reports, logbooks, requests, etc. or build your own. View and manage data on Timeline and Dashboard screens, generate consolidated PDF reports. Get Started

executive status report form template

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qa status report form template

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status report form template

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monthly status report form template

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ProsperForms — receive reports from your team members on autopilot. 100+ forms available: reports, logbooks, requests, etc. or build your own. View and manage data on Timeline and Dashboard screens, generate consolidated PDF reports. Get Started


monthly status report for department or team form template

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project status report form template

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project status report form template

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simple daily or weekly status report form template

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weekly marketing status report form template

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project status report form template

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Part 3

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