- Types of Status Reports: Free Resources and Downloads Part 1
- General-Purpose Status Report Template Free Download Part 2
- Additional Sources Part 3
- How to dramatically reduce the time you spend creating reports Part 4
What is the purpose of a status report?
- The primary purpose of a status report is to present updates on a project or activity, monitor its actual progress versus the targets, discuss issues and challenges encountered during the reporting period, and other matters which may need the attention of stakeholders.
Part 1
Types of Status Reports
Employee Status Report
An employee status report documents an employee’s performance, activities, and accomplishments in a given period. It may take a form of a manual logbook that the supervisor may look at, or through an email to be sent to the supervisor.
Check this article about employee status reports for best practices and free downloads
Department Status Report
This type of status report provides an account of the accomplishments of a unit or a department in a given reporting period and an overview of the financial details, production status, and other matters concerning the department.
How to write a department status report + free templates
Executive Status Report
An executive report provides a high-level summary of all updates and progress of a project and is submitted to the top management of an organization or a company. Due to their limited time, top officials may not have enough time to go over a full detailed report, that is why this type of report is prepared. The ultimate goal of this report is to tell whether the project is progressing as planned and to determine ways of catching up if the project is behind its schedule.
All about executive status reports with samples
Financial Status Report
A financial status report is a summary of all fund disbursements, general fund status, and budget adjustments. Generated at the end of a reporting period, it is usually submitted to business managers, the board of directors, investors, stakeholders, auditing bodies, and the government.
Learn more and download a free sample of a financial status report here
Client Status Report
These are a brief but detailed account of the work accomplished which are submitted to the customer or client on a regular basis, depending on the agreement. Aside from work accomplishments, it also discusses the questions or problems encountered by the team which the client may also need to look into. This type of report also provides a preview of what is going to happen in the following week or month.
This article about client status reporting contains a free template and a guide
Implementation Status Report
An implementation status report serves as a documentation of the project’s history and may be used later in the evaluation, review, and analysis of how the project went through. Through this status report, stakeholders are informed of the status of the project implementation in terms of schedule, scope, resources, costs, etc.
Check this one for a free implementation status report template and best practices
IT Status Report
An IT status report presents the status of the information technology in a company or in an organization containing updates on the overall status of key IT initiatives, accomplishments during the reporting period. An excellently written IT report can present the valuable contribution of IT in the organization which other officials or staff within the company may not easily understand.
In this article we provided useful tips for writing an IT status report with a free template
Marketing Status Report
A marketing status report provides updates on the status or progress of a marketing campaign and is generated monthly to serve as the basis for critical company decisions on its marketing policies and other related matters. Through this report, the organization can see whether the marketing campaigns are performing according to plan and which among the marketing activities are actually delivering results.
Marketing status report template free download
Quarterly Status Report
Quarterly reports provide a strategic balance between long- and short-term vision to help initiate changes within the organization or company. It helps generate necessary data for the company that is reliable and credible.
Article about quarterly status reports: best practices, tips, free template
Scrum Status Report
A scrum status report provides a list of values delivered to the project such as features developed and requirements satisfied. The report should be able to keep the team and the client updated on the progress of the project which has actual business value.
Scrum status report free template
Team Status Report
The team status report provides a detailed summary of accomplishments and activities done by the team to carry out a project. It is a reliable way of keeping the team on how the project or the tasks are progressing and where these are heading.
Team status report: free examples and templates, how-to’s
Daily Work Report
A daily work report is an essential tool to ensure that employees are on track with their performance targets and also to monitor their progress. It also lets the supervisors see what the staff did on a particular day and what he or she plans to do the next day.
How to write a daily work report + templates
If you’re a team leader, you’ll also enjoy this article: “The Ultimate Guide to Daily and Weekly Status Reports With Case Studies“
Business Development Status Report
A business development status report provides a better overview of business opportunities a company or an organization has. It also accounts of the progress of activities conducted by the firm to enhance its business, policy, and operations.
Business development status report: free template and best practices
QA Daily Status Report
Quality assurance teams execute tests to simulate actual usage of a product and find out if there are defects. The status and the results of these test are often contained in a QA daily report. This report is provided not only to the product developers but to the other stakeholders, too.
How to build a daily QA status report with template
Daily Log
Summarizing how an employee spent his time on the job, a daily work log creates a detailed picture of how the employees spent their day. It helps the supervisor and the employee understand how productive the day went by.
Daily log template and how-to tips
Daily Report
A daily report is prepared by an employee detailing how they spent their work day, including their achievements and challenges. It also enables the team manager to have an overview how the team’s project is progressing.
Daily report is usually less detailed then a work log. Check the best daily report templates here.
Weekly Status Report
A weekly status report is a summary of all work done during a week and how these tasks contributed to the completion of project or assignment. It is also a helpful tool for the manager to monitor the performance and the progress of this team.
Best practices and free templates
Choosing between daily reports vs. weekly status reports? Check this case study
Weekly Sales Report
Helping the management to assess the company’s performance in terms of sales, a weekly sales report affects major decisions related to business development, recruitment, salary increases, and other aspects of business operations.
This article will help you write a good weekly sales report and includes a free sample
Here are some general tips on how to effectively write a status report:
- Find out the exact information required to be in the report. It is important to get the information from the persons involved to minimize time and effort to be spent on making the report.
- Find out if there is a standard format or template for the kind of status report. With a standard format, it will be easier to determine what information should be included in the report and there is a lesser chance of missing out on important things.
- An ideal report presentation should discuss the accomplishments first, then the plans, and then the other matters on the third part. Bottlenecks, issues, risks, and other important concerns may also be discussed in the third part.
- Just like any work-related documents, a status report also reflects the personality of its creator. If it is free from typographical errors, impeccably prepared, and well-thought, it shows the personality of the writer of the report.
Part 2
Status Report Free Download
If you need a general-purpose status report, check this free sample:

Click Here to Download Status Report Template XLSX
Part 3