
40 Self Evaluation Comments for Planning and Organizing

Self-evaluation is an important aspect of personal and professional growth. It helps you reflect on your progress and performance, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for the future.

How to Write Effective Self Evaluation Comments

Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas

Before you start writing your self-evaluation comments, organize your thoughts and ideas. Make a list of your accomplishments, challenges, and areas for improvement. Use this list to guide your writing and ensure that you cover all the important points. To make your self-evaluation comments more effective, use concrete examples and evidence to support your claims. For example, when saying “I am good at multitasking,” try provide an example of a time when you successfully managed multiple tasks at once.

Be Honest and Objective

When writing self-evaluation comments, it’s important to be honest and objective. Don’t exaggerate your accomplishments or downplay your mistakes. Be truthful about your strengths and weaknesses, and provide examples to support your claims.

Use Actionable Language

Use actionable language in your self-evaluation comments. Instead of saying “I need to improve my time management skills,” say “I plan to set more realistic deadlines and prioritize my tasks to improve my time management skills.”

Self Evaluation Comments for Planning and Organizing

Examples of positive comments

  1. I am proud of my ability to create detailed plans that break down complex tasks into manageable steps.
  2. I sometimes struggle with prioritizing tasks, but I am working on developing better time management skills.
  3. I am confident in my ability to set realistic deadlines and meet them consistently.
  4. I need to work on delegating tasks more effectively to ensure that I am not overwhelmed.
  5. I am always looking for ways to improve my organizational skills by using new tools or techniques.
  6. I tend to overthink things when planning, but I am learning to trust my instincts more.
  7. I sometimes struggle to stay focused on one task at a time, but I am working on improving my concentration skills.
  8. I am good at anticipating potential roadblocks and building contingencies into my plans.
  9. I need to work on being more flexible when unexpected changes arise, while still staying on track with my goals.
  10. I am confident in my ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, but I need to be mindful of not spreading myself too thin.
  11. I am always looking for ways to streamline my processes and make them more efficient.
  12. I am good at breaking down complex projects into smaller, more manageable tasks.
  13. I need to work on setting more realistic expectations for myself, so that I don’t become overwhelmed or burn out.
  14. I am good at creating detailed timelines and sticking to them.
  15. I need to work on being more proactive in identifying potential problems before they arise.
  16. I am always looking for ways to improve my communication skills, so that I can better coordinate with others on projects.
  17. I am good at creating and maintaining organized systems for tracking tasks and deadlines.
  18. I need to work on being more assertive in delegating tasks to others, so that I can focus on my own priorities.
  19. I am confident in my ability to adapt and pivot when necessary to stay on track with my goals.
  20. I need to work on being more disciplined in following through on my plans and commitments.
  21. I am good at breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  22. I need to work on being more proactive in identifying potential bottlenecks in my processes.
  23. I am always looking for ways to improve my time management skills, such as setting aside dedicated blocks of time for certain tasks.
  24. I am good at using tools and software to help me stay organized and on track with my tasks.
  25. I need to work on being more mindful of my priorities and not getting sidetracked by less important tasks.
  26. I am confident in my ability to create detailed project plans that account for all necessary steps and resources.
  27. I need to work on being more flexible and adaptable when changes occur, while still staying focused on the end goal.
  28. I am good at breaking down large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks with clear deadlines.
  29. I need to work on being more proactive in communicating with team members to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  30. I am always looking for ways to improve my planning and organizing skills by attending workshops or seeking feedback from others.

Examples of comments that indicate a need for improvement

  1. I tend to procrastinate on tasks and struggle to meet deadlines, which is something I need to work on.
  2. I often feel overwhelmed by my workload and find it difficult to prioritize tasks effectively.
  3. I sometimes struggle to manage my time effectively, which can lead to missed deadlines or incomplete tasks.
  4. I have a tendency to get bogged down in details, which can make it difficult to see the big picture and plan accordingly.
  5. I need to work on being more proactive in identifying potential roadblocks and developing contingency plans.
  6. I sometimes struggle to delegate tasks effectively, which can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.
  7. I tend to take on too much at once, which can make it difficult to stay organized and focused.
  8. I need to work on being more disciplined in sticking to my plans and following through on my commitments.
  9. I sometimes struggle to adapt to changes in my plans, which can make it difficult to stay on track with my goals.
  10. I need to work on improving my communication skills, so that I can better coordinate with team members and avoid misunderstandings.

Example (Paragraph)

“I believe that I demonstrate a high level of initiative and creativity when it comes to planning and organizing tasks. I am always looking for new and innovative ways to approach projects, and I am not afraid to take risks and try new things. For example, when faced with a particularly complex project, I often take the initiative to break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks, and I am always looking for creative solutions to any challenges that arise. Additionally, I am not afraid to propose new ideas or suggest changes to existing processes if I believe they will improve efficiency or effectiveness. Overall, I believe that my initiative and creativity are valuable assets when it comes to planning and organizing tasks, and I am always looking for ways to further develop and refine these skills.”

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Planning and Organizing Self Evaluation Comments

Being Too Vague or General

One common mistake when writing self-evaluation comments is being too vague or general. This can happen when we use generic statements that do not provide specific examples of our work. For example, instead of saying “I am good at planning,” you could say “I consistently meet deadlines by using a detailed planning system that includes creating a to-do list and prioritizing tasks.”

  42 Project Manager Self-Evaluation Comments Examples

Focusing Only on Accomplishments

Another mistake is focusing only on accomplishments and not mentioning areas where we need improvement. While it is important to highlight our achievements, we should also acknowledge areas where we struggled and how we plan to improve. For example, instead of saying “I completed all my projects on time,” you could also mention areas where you struggled and how you plan to improve, such as “I struggled with multitasking and prioritizing tasks, but I plan to improve my planning skills by using a daily planner and prioritizing tasks based on their importance.”

Being Too Critical or Negative

Being too critical or negative can also be a mistake when writing self-evaluation comments. While it is important to acknowledge areas where we need improvement, we should do so in a constructive and positive manner. For example, instead of saying “I am terrible at time management,” try “I recognize that I need to improve my time management skills and plan to do so by setting realistic goals and prioritizing tasks.”

Ignoring Your Weaknesses

Ignoring our weaknesses is another mistake when writing self-evaluation comments. It is important to acknowledge areas where we need improvement and how we plan to address them. For example, instead of saying “I have no weaknesses,” you could say “I recognize that I need to improve my communication skills and plan to do so by attending a workshop on effective communication.”

Not Providing Evidence

Finally, not providing enough evidence to support our claims can also be a mistake when writing self-evaluation comments. We should provide specific examples of our work to illustrate our skills and accomplishments. For example, instead of saying “I am an excellent planner,” try “I consistently meet deadlines by creating a detailed to-do list and prioritizing tasks based on their importance, as evidenced by my completion of all projects on time.”

Posted in: Self-Evaluation