
20 Examples of Subject Line for a Job Application (with Tips)

Your subject line acts as the headline of your job application email. When hiring managers are rifling through dozens of emails, you want yours to stand out. Think of the subject line as a first impression; it should be clear, concise, and give a snapshot of what’s inside. The right subject line helps ensure your...

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Job Interview Duration: Phone, Video, In-Person, Group, Panel, Technical

How Long Does a Job Interview Usually Last? Understanding Different Types and Durations Overview of Job Interview Durations When you’re getting ready for a job interview, you might wonder how much time you’ll need to set aside. The length of a job interview can vary depending on the type, but let’s break down what you...

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Exactly How to Tell an Employee About a Raise (with Email Example)

Discussing salary increases can be just as rewarding for an employer as it is for the employee. It’s a conversation that acknowledges hard work, dedication, and the value that an individual brings to the company. In this article, we’ll discuss the key elements that should be included in your communication, the importance of personalization, and...

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3 Examples: How to Write a Salary Increase Request Letter

A salary increase letter is your opportunity to make a case for higher compensation. It’s a formal document that outlines your value to the company and justifies why you are deserving of a raise, often by referencing the contributions you’ve made. Think of this letter as a strategic move to communicate your worth and the...

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2 Examples of an Effective and Warm Letter of Welcome

An effective and warm welcome letter can ease the anxieties of a new hire, foster a sense of belonging, and convey the culture and values of an organization. In this article, we’ll provide you with examples that strike the perfect balance between professionalism and warmth, ensuring that every new member feels valued and excited about...

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