
7 Parts of a Business Letter (Components with Examples)

When you write a business letter, you establish a professional communication that can make a significant impact on your relationships. Using correct components and formatting in your business writing shows respect and conveys your intentions clearly. Let’s explore the main parts of a business letter, along with some examples to help you create effective professional correspondence.

1. Heading: This is where you place your company’s contact information (name, address, phone number, email). It’s essential for the recipient to know where the letter is coming from and how to get in touch with your company.

Tech Solutions Inc.
1234 Main Street
City, State 12345
Phone: (555) 555-5555

2. Date: Writing the date the letter was written helps maintain a record of the correspondence for future reference. Always use a proper date format, such as “November 21, 2023.”

3. Recipient’s information: Just below the date, you should list the recipient’s full name, title, company name, and address. This ensures the letter is delivered to the right person or department.

Ms. Jane Smith
Manager, Client Services
X Enterprise
5678 Market Road
City, State 67890

4. Salutation: A polite and professional greeting sets the tone for the rest of the letter. When addressing your recipient, use their name if you know it (e.g. “Dear Ms. Smith,”). If you don’t have their name, use “To Whom It May Concern:” or “Dear Sir/Madam:.”

5. Body: This is the heart of your letter, where you convey the purpose, request, or information you’re sharing. When writing the body, use clear and concise language. Break up the text into paragraphs to make it easy to read and follow.

For example:

  1. State the reason for writing the letter: “We are writing to inform you about a new software update for your system.”
  2. Explain the content or request (details, benefits, instructions): “The update includes improved security features and a more user-friendly interface to streamline your business processes.”
  3. Mention any further action or information needed: “Please find the attached installation guide and let us know if you have any questions.”

6. Complimentary close: A professional closing like “Sincerely,” or “Kind regards,” followed by a comma, brings the letter to an end. This is followed by a space and your (the writer’s) full name, title, and sometimes contact information.

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John Doe
Account Manager
Tech Solutions Inc.
Phone: (555) 555-5555

7. Attachments or enclosures (if any): If you’re attaching or enclosing additional documents, mention them below your signature. This helps ensure the recipient is aware of the extra materials.

Example: “Enclosures: Installation Guide, Product Brochure”

Professional Titles And Genders In Business Letters

Ms., Mrs., and Miss: These are used for women, but they have different meanings. You’ll use Ms. if you’re unsure or if the woman prefers a neutral title. Mrs. is used for married women, while Miss is for unmarried women. However, these distinctions are becoming less important, so when in doubt, default to Ms.


  • Ms. Jane Doe

Mr.: This is the standard title for men, regardless of their marital status. It’s the safe bet when you’re not sure about someone’s academic or professional title.


  • Mr. John Smith

Dr.: If a person has a doctoral degree, use the Dr. title, whether they are male or female. However, if they also have a different professional title or prefer to use a gender-specific title (Mr., Mrs., etc.), follow their preference.


  • Dr. Alex Brown

Regarding job titles, make sure you double-check a person’s role within the organization to avoid any errors. Job titles should be written before the person’s name when addressing them in a business letter.


  • President Jane Smith

For gender-neutral titles, some people prefer to be addressed simply by their first and last names, or by using a title like Mx. If you know someone’s gender-neutral preference, be sure to accommodate it in your letter.

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  • Mx. Jamie Lee

Fonts And Letterheads

When choosing a font for your business letter, consider readability and professionalism. Times New Roman and Arial are two popular options that are both easy to read and widely accepted.

Times New Roman: This classic font is a favorite among businesses and lends a formal, polished appearance to your letter. With its distinct serifs, Times New Roman can convey a sense of tradition and authority.

Arial: If you prefer a more modern look, Arial is an excellent choice. It is a sans-serif font, which means it has smooth, clean lines without any extra embellishments. Arial’s simple design makes it highly legible even in smaller sizes.

When it comes to choosing a size for your font, stick with something between 10 and 12 points. Smaller text can be difficult to read, while larger text may seem unprofessional.

Making Effective Use Of The Subject Line

A well-crafted subject line is like a handshake for your business letter. It sets the tone for the rest of your message, so make sure it’s impactful and informative.

  • Keep it concise. Your subject line should be clear and specific, as it will give your reader a good idea of what to expect from the letter. Aim for roughly 5-7 words, if possible. For instance, you could use: “Proposal for New Marketing Campaign.”
  • Be relevant. Make your subject line directly related to the purpose of your letter. Avoid vague or generic terms. Instead, opt for phrases like “Product Launch Feedback,” which conveys the letter’s main topic.
  • Avoid ALL CAPS. Writing your subject line in all capital letters can give the impression of shouting and may come across as unprofessional. Stick to sentence case for a more polished look, such as: “Requesting Support for Fundraiser.”
  • Use action words. Including action words in your subject line shows the reader that there’s a purpose and a desired outcome for your letter. For example, “Schedule Meeting for Project Update” demonstrates your intent for the correspondence and what you’d like the recipient to do.
  • At times, using a deadline can be helpful. Incorporating a deadline in your subject line can indicate urgency to the reader and prompt faster action. This can be useful for time-sensitive matters. For example, “Invoice Payment Due Tomorrow.”
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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you provide examples of a business letter heading?

A business letter heading typically consists of the sender’s name, address, telephone number, and/or email:
John Doe
123 Main Street
City, State 12345
Phone: (555) 555-1234

What are some common components of a formal letter?

  1. Heading: Your information and contact details.
  2. Inside address: Recipient’s name, title, and address.
  3. Salutation: Suitable greeting such as “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear Dr. Jones.”
  4. Body: Main message, often split into paragraphs for easier reading.
  5. Complimentary close: A courteous closing like “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”
  6. Signature: Your handwritten and typed name, as well as your title if applicable.

What’s a good sample for a formal letter with a subject line?

A sample formal letter with a subject line might be structured as follows:

[Subject Line: Brief Description of Letter’s Purpose]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

[Begin with an introduction, stating the letter’s purpose and any necessary background information.]

[In subsequent paragraphs, provide relevant details, making sure your message is clear and concise.]

[End by stating any expected actions or outcomes, and express your appreciation for their time and consideration.]

[Your Name]
[Your Title, if applicable]

Posted in: Communication