
Empathy in Customer Service (50 Example Phrases)

Empathy in Customer Service: Phrases to Show Empathy and Enhance Client Interaction

Empathy plays a crucial role in delivering exceptional customer service. These sample phrases, which are divided into various sections, aim to guide customer service representatives in demonstrating empathy through their choice of words.

Utilizing these examples can enhance interactions with customers, making them feel valued and heard. By incorporating empathy into their everyday customer service interactions, representatives can ensure that customers leave the conversation with a positive impression of the company and its commitment to meeting their needs. See also: How to Build Rapport: Effective Techniques and How to Choose a Conflict Management Style? [5 Styles with Examples]

Listening Empathetically

Active Listening

Active listening is a crucial skill for demonstrating empathy in customer service. It means fully concentrating on the speaker, understanding their message, and responding appropriately. By practicing active listening, customer service representatives can better understand their customers’ needs and feelings.

Some tips for active listening include maintaining eye contact, nodding in acknowledgement, and asking clarifying questions. It is essential to avoid interrupting or finishing the customer’s sentences and to give them the space to express their thoughts. Learn more: Active Listening (Techniques, Examples, Tips) and What Is Active Listening? (Examples, How-to’s, Best Practices)


Validation is the process of acknowledging and accepting the feelings and thoughts of the customer. When customer service representatives validate their customers, they show that they understand and empathize with the situation. Validating the customer’s emotions helps to create a trustworthy conversation and can lead to a more satisfactory resolution.

To validate a customer, the representative must first listen attentively to what they are saying. Then, they can offer a validating statement that acknowledges their feelings and communicates understanding. It is essential to avoid minimizing or dismissing their emotions, as this can create barriers to a productive conversation.


  1. “I understand how frustrating that must have been for you.”
  2. “It sounds like this has been a challenging situation for you.”
  3. “I can see why you would feel disappointed about that.”

Using Empathetic Phrases

Expressing Sympathy

Empathetic phrases in customer service play a crucial role in building rapport with clients and addressing their concerns. By expressing sympathy, customer service representatives show they understand the feelings and challenges faced by the customers. There are several ways to express sympathy to customers to show them that their concerns are being heard and considered:

  1. “I am sorry you are going through this.”
  2. “I understand how frustrating this must be for you.”
  3. “Sounds like you had a tough experience.”
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Offering Support

In addition to expressing sympathy, empathetic phrases should also be used to offer support to customers. By offering support, customer service representatives demonstrate their willingness to help and find a solution to the problem at hand. Offering support includes phrases that assure customers their problems will be solved:

  1. “Let me check what we can do to resolve this issue.”
  2. “I’m going to do my best to help you.”
  3. “I want to find the best solution for you.”


To effectively use empathetic phrases in customer service, it is essential to combine expressions of sympathy and support. This combination helps convey understanding while also providing reassurance that their concerns will be addressed. Below are some examples that incorporate both sympathy and support elements:

  1. “I’m so sorry to hear about your experience, let me look into this for you and figure out the best solution.”
  2. “I can understand why that would be upsetting, please give me a minute to see what I can do to help you.”
  3. “That sounds truly frustrating; I am going to do everything I can to assist you with this matter.”

Conveying Emotional Understanding

Empathetic Language

When interacting with customers in a customer service context, using empathetic language is crucial. Choosing the right words and phrases can make a significant impact on how the message is received and how the customer perceives your level of empathy. By using language that highlights your understanding of their emotions, you can create a more meaningful connection and better address their concerns.

Tone and Nonverbal Communication

Aside from the words you use, the tone of your voice is equally important when showing empathy in customer service. A warm, friendly, and compassionate tone can make the customer feel valued and understood. Additionally, nonverbal communication like body language and facial expressions can help convey a deeper sense of empathy. Active listening, nodding, and maintaining eye contact are just a few nonverbal cues that can make a customer feel heard and respected.

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Here are a few examples of empathetic phrases that customer service representatives can use:

  1. “I understand how frustrating this must be for you.”
  2. “I can see why you’re upset, and we’ll work together to find a solution.”
  3. “I’m sorry that you’re experiencing this; we value your feedback and will do our best to resolve the issue.”

For tone and nonverbal communication, some examples of empathetic behavior include:

  • Using a soft, sincere tone to match the emotions of the customer.
  • Nodding and maintaining eye contact to show active listening.
  • Leaning in slightly to demonstrate engagement and attentiveness.

Effectively Responding to Customer Complaints


When responding to customer complaints, a sincere apology is crucial. Acknowledge the customer’s feelings and express genuine regret for any inconvenience they experienced. Be specific about the issue, and avoid making excuses or placing blame elsewhere. This helps in building trust and demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Demonstrating Responsibility

Show customers that you are taking responsibility for the issue by offering a solution or course of action. This includes a commitment to address the problem, steps to prevent it from happening again, and providing compensation if necessary. Being proactive in taking responsibility and finding solutions helps reassure customers, leading to a better experience for both parties.


  1. “We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you faced with our product. We understand how frustrating this must be for you, and we are taking immediate action to resolve the issue.”
  2. “I apologize for the delay in our response, and I realize how important it is for you to have this resolved quickly. Please be assured that we are working hard to find a solution and will keep you updated on our progress.”
  3. “Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We sincerely apologize for any discomfort this has caused you. We value our customers and will ensure steps are taken to prevent this issue from happening again in the future.”
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These empathy statements are great starting points for effectively responding to customer complaints.

Genuinely apologize, demonstrate responsibility, and offer solutions, all while maintaining a neutral and clear tone.

Closing the Customer Interaction

Gratitude and Appreciation

When closing customer interactions, expressing gratitude and appreciation is essential in showing empathy. Thanking the customer for their patience, understanding, or for bringing the issue to light can make a significant impact on the interaction. This leaves the customer feeling valued and acknowledged, which could lead to long-lasting relationships and loyalty.

Positive Problem Resolution

Closing the interaction on a positive note reinforces empathy and demonstrates that the concern has been addressed. By assuring the customer that their feedback has been taken into account and steps have been or will be taken to resolve the matter, it gives them a sense of being heard and understood. This also reaffirms the customer’s confidence in the company and its commitment to resolving any challenges that they may have faced.


Here are a few examples of empathetic phrases that can be used when closing a customer interaction:

  1. “Thank you for your valuable feedback. We’ll ensure this doesn’t happen again in the future.”
  2. “We appreciate your patience in this matter, and we’re glad we could reach a solution that works for you.”
  3. “Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Your experience is important to us, and we’ll take the necessary steps to improve our service.”

By incorporating these phrases, customer service representatives can effectively close interactions in a way that leaves the customer feeling heard, understood, and valued. Learn more: Empathy: Definition, Types, and Tips for Effective Practice

See also: How to Build Rapport: Effective Techniques
How to Read Body Language: A Comprehensive Guide
How to Choose a Conflict Management Style? [5 Styles with Examples]
What is Your Communication Style? (4 Types with Examples)