
17 Examples: How to Emphasize Personal Strengths During an Interview

Before heading into an interview, it’s important to have a clear idea of what your personal strengths are. These strengths are the unique skills and qualities that you bring to a team or company. Think about the characteristics that have helped you succeed in the past—whether in previous jobs, during your education, or in other activities.

  1. Take some time to reflect on your experiences. Write down moments when you felt particularly accomplished, and identify the skills or traits you used in these situations. For example, if you led a project to success, this could indicate strong leadership and project management abilities.
  2. Create a list of these strengths. Organize them into categories such as ‘Interpersonal Skills’, ‘Problem-Solving’, and ‘Technical Skills’. If you’re a great communicator, place that under ‘Interpersonal Skills’. Are you an ace at analyzing data? That would go under ‘Technical Skills’.
  3. Consider how your strengths align with the job description. If the role demands a team player with strong collaboration skills, make sure you’re ready to discuss experiences that demonstrate your ability to work well with others. For instance, if you worked on a team that launched a new product, detailing your role can showcase your collaborative nature.
  4. Lastly, practice how you will articulate these strengths. You don’t want to just list them; you want to weave them into your responses naturally. If you’re a quick learner, think of a specific example when you picked up a new skill rapidly to overcome a challenge. Your preparedness will show in your confidence during the interview, turning your strengths into compelling reasons to hire you.

Tailoring Strengths to the Job Description

When preparing for an interview, it’s important to align your personal strengths with the specific needs outlined in the job description. This will show the interviewer you’re a perfect fit for the role.

Analyzing the Job Posting

Read the job posting carefully to identify the skills and qualities the employer is seeking. Pay attention to words repeated throughout the posting, as these are likely to be key competencies. For example, if “team player” is mentioned multiple times, it means that the ability to collaborate effectively is highly valued for the position.

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Matching Skills with Requirements

Once you’ve listed the key skills from the job posting, draw connections to your own strengths. If the job requires strong project management skills, and you have successfully led multiple projects in the past, prepare to share specific examples from your experience. Suppose you increased efficiency in a previous role by 20% through effective project management, describe this achievement. It’s important to remember that your examples should be as quantifiable as possible to have a greater impact.

Preparing Your Talking Points

Before walking into an interview, having a clear idea of how you’ll articulate your personal strengths can make a significant difference. It’s important to prepare stories and examples that reflect your abilities in a compelling way.

Crafting Compelling Stories

When you prepare your talking points, think about times in your career when you solved a problem or made an impact. Outline these moments as short narratives that have a clear beginning, middle, and end. For instance, you may recount a time when you led a project team that was struggling with deadlines. Start with the challenge (beginning), describe the actions you took to lead the team (middle), and then highlight the successful on-time project completion (end). To keep it engaging, focus on what you did, the decisions you made, and the results of those actions.

Quantifying Achievements

Using numbers to quantify your achievements allows interviewers to understand the scale and impact of your accomplishments. Instead of saying that you helped increase sales, you should specify how much sales increased during your tenure. For example, you could say, “I implemented a new sales strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in sales over six months.” This precise approach demonstrates your strengths in a way that’s both understandable and impressive. When preparing, list your achievements and associate them with concrete numbers to present a clear picture of your effectiveness.

Handling Strength-Related Questions

When a potential employer asks you to talk about your strengths, they’re looking for evidence that you’re the right fit for the job. Tailor your response to align with the job description, and provide concrete examples that demonstrate your strengths.


  • If you’re detail-oriented, mention the time you caught a critical error that saved your team’s project.
  • For strong communication skills, discuss how you resolved a misunderstanding that led to successful project delivery.
  • Describe a situation where your problem-solving ability allowed you to overcome an unexpected challenge.
  • Cite an instance where your organizational skills enabled you to manage multiple responsibilities efficiently.
  • Share an example of how your teamwork led to a significant accomplishment or a project win.
  • Highlight a time when your creativity resulted in an innovative solution to a client’s issue.
  • If leadership is your strength, detail an occasion where you guided your team through a rough patch to success.
  • When punctuality is a key attribute, relate how your time management contributed to meeting tight deadlines.
  • If you’re adaptable, discuss how you successfully navigated a last-minute change in project scope.
  • For those with technical skills, provide an instance where your expertise directly benefited the project outcome.
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Navigating Tricky Questions


  • If asked about a strength that turned into a weakness, you might discuss being overly thorough, but relay how you’ve learned to be more efficient.
  • When questioned about strengths not listed on your resume, share a personal skill, like resilience, with an anecdote to back it up.
  • Confront a question about strengths you lack by talking about a skill you’re actively improving, and provide progress examples.
  • If the interviewer asks how others would describe your strengths, recall a compliment from a colleague and tie it to a specific event.
  • When asked to rank your strengths, choose your top trait and support it with an evidence-based story.
  • If queried on how you’ve used a strength to make a decision, you can talk about a time your analytical skills guided a crucial business choice.
  • Answer ‘what is your greatest strength?’ by picking a core skill that aligns with the company’s values and show how it’s influenced your success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you describe your strengths in a way that stands out to employers during an interview?

In an interview, articulate your strengths by aligning them with the job requirements. Use clear and concise language to describe how your abilities will directly contribute to the company. For instance, if problem-solving is your strength, explain a situation where you identified an issue and implemented a solution that led to cost savings or efficiency improvements.

Can you provide specific examples of how you’ve used your personal strengths in a professional setting?

For example, if you’re a strong communicator, you might describe a time when your ability to clearly present information helped align your team and propelled a project forward. Perhaps you gave a presentation that influenced the company’s strategy, which emphasizes your leadership and communication skills.

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What’s the best strategy for highlighting your strengths when you’re asked about them in an interview?

A great approach is to use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) when asked about your strengths. If your strength is adaptability, describe a situation where you had to adjust to unexpected changes, what tasks were involved, the actions you took, and the positive outcome that resulted.

How can you effectively balance speaking about your strengths without coming across as arrogant?

You can balance this by sharing credit where it’s due and acknowledging the role of teamwork in your achievements. For example, you might say, “My organizational skills contributed to our project finishing ahead of schedule, although it was a group effort.”

What phrases can you use to convey your strengths in a compelling and convincing manner?

Phrases like “I have a proven track record of,” “My previous success in… has equipped me with,” or “I’ve been recognized for my ability to…” are powerful starters to discuss your strengths. These phrases set a solid foundation for providing evidence-based examples.

Could you give an illustration of a time when your strengths significantly contributed to your team’s success?

For example, if you are detail-oriented, you might share a time when you caught a critical discrepancy in a report that prevented a potential client misunderstanding, illustrating how your attention to detail preserves quality and accuracy in your team’s work.

Posted in: Job Interview