
30 Introduction Examples: How To Do Introductions Between People

When you introduce two people, you’re providing each person with an opportunity to connect with someone new. This can open doors to various social and professional opportunities. A well-done introduction shows respect for both parties and demonstrates your ability to facilitate positive social interactions.

Imagine you’re at a networking event and you bump into a marketing guru you’ve known for years. Across the room, you see a young entrepreneur who’s new to the scene and eager to learn from experienced professionals. In this case, an effective introduction means creating a bridge between the two individuals.

You might say something like, “Mark, I want you to meet Jenna. She’s an up-and-coming entrepreneur whose fresh take on digital marketing has been getting a lot of attention. Jenna, Mark is someone I’ve worked with on several successful campaigns, and I think you two could have a lot to share.”

In a social setting, introductions can be less formal but still benefit from a personal touch. If you’re introducing a friend to your book club, you might base the introduction on shared interests to kick-start the discussion.

You could say, “Alex, this is Sam, our newest member and a fellow mystery novel enthusiast. Sam, Alex’s book recommendations never disappoint, and he’s a brilliant plot guesser. I thought you two might enjoy comparing notes on your favorite authors.”

Related: Introducing Yourself to a New Team: 9 Inspiring Examples

The Basics of Introducing People

When to Initiate Introductions

You’ll want to introduce people whenever you’re in a social or professional setting and you’re engaging with two or more individuals who haven’t met. Think of a work conference where you’re with a colleague and encounter a client, or a dinner party where your friends from different circles are mingling. The goal is to make everyone feel comfortable and included.

Choosing the Right Moment for Introductions

Timing is everything. You’re looking for a natural lull in the conversation or when a new person joins the group. It’s important to be considerate of the ongoing activity and not to interrupt a deep conversation or critical moment. For example, if you’re at a networking event, you might introduce your peers while waiting for a speaker session to start, rather than during a presentation.

Order of Introductions

When you’re introducing people, your aim is to respect social hierarchies and avoid awkwardness. Typically, you should mention the name of the most senior or elderly person first. For instance, if you’re introducing a long-time colleague to someone you’ve just met, you would say to your colleague, “This is [New Acquaintance’s Name],” then turn to the new acquaintance and continue with, “and this is [Colleague’s Name], who I’ve worked with for several years.”

Steps to Deliver a Great Introduction

  • First, you want to make sure everyone’s attention is present. A great introduction starts by ensuring that you have the attention of both parties. You could start with a simple, “I’d like to introduce you two,” followed by a slight pause to ensure both individuals are ready to engage.
  • Next, clearly state each person’s name along with any relevant information that could encourage a conversation between them. Something like, “Jane, this is John Smith, who’s also a fan of hiking,” gives them a launching point for further discussion.
  • Finally, offer a brief connection point, like shared interests or mutual friends, which gives them a reason to continue the conversation. You’ve set the stage for them to interact by providing a familiar talking point or common ground.
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Crafting the Introduction

Using Names and Titles

Begin by clearly stating each person’s full name. If they have a title that’s relevant to the setting—like Dr., Prof., Mr., or Ms.—include it. This shows respect and helps set the level of formality.

“Dr. Jane Smith, I’d like you to meet Mr. John Doe. John, this is Dr. Smith.”

Providing Context for the Introduction

Explain how you know each person and why you think they should meet. Giving context helps them understand the relevance of the introduction and often sparks the first topics of conversation.

“Dr. Smith is my mentor from university and an expert in renewable energy, which I believe aligns with your current projects, John.”

Facilitating Conversation Post-Introduction

Offer a few pieces of information that could lead to a mutual topic of interest. This ensures that you’re not just introducing names, but also fostering a connection that can potentially grow.

“Jane, John recently started a project on solar power, and I thought your insights into sustainable energy innovations could be incredibly beneficial to him.”

Common Scenarios

When you find yourself in a situation where you need to introduce people who haven’t met before, it’s important to make sure everyone feels comfortable. Here’s how you can effectively introduce colleagues at work, friends in social settings, and acquaintances at networking events.

Introducing Colleagues at Work

In a professional setting, you want to start by using formal titles unless you’re certain everyone is comfortable with first names. For example:

  1. “Dr. Smith, I’d like you to meet our new project manager, Mr. Jones.”
  2. “Ms. Thompson, this is Mr. Black, our head of IT.”
  3. “Everyone, this is Jamie, they’re joining the marketing team as our new graphic designer.”
  4. “Mark, have you met Rosa? She’s the lead on the upcoming audit.”
  5. “Mia, this is Steve, he’s going to be working with you on the quarterly reports.”

Keep it simple, and mention something that relates to how they might work together, like:

  1. “Lucas, meet Emily, our new accountant, you’ll be collaborating on the budget proposal.”
  2. “Angela, this is Derek, who’s overseeing the new database integration you’ve heard about.”
  3. “Carla, this is Raj, our cybersecurity expert. You might need his assistance for your client’s data protection strategy.”
  4. “Tonya, shake hands with Bruce, who will be liaising with your department on the compliance project.”

Introducing Friends in Social Settings

With friends, you can be more informal and personal. Share a little about their interests to spark a conversation:

  1. “Sam, meet Alex, who also loves hiking and photography.”
  2. “Jenna, this is Brian, he’s the one who runs marathons like you’ve been interested in.”
  3. “Sara, this is Mike. You both have that passion for classic cars, you should chat!”
  4. “This is Olivia, she’s always up for a board game night, just like you.”
  5. “Kelly, meet Jordan. I think you’re both going to the same concert next week.”
  6. “Hey Chris, this is Alisha, she’s great at cooking, and you know you’re always looking for new recipes.”
  7. “Paige, this is Ethan, he’s the friend I told you about who’s into indie films.”

Introducing Acquaintances at Networking Events

When at networking events, your introductions should facilitate connections that could benefit both parties professionally:

  1. “Blake, have you met Taylor? She has extensive experience in digital marketing, which might be helpful for your startup.”
  2. “I’d like you to meet Jordan. He’s got a great mind for analytics, and I know you’re looking for a consultant.”
  3. “Casey, this is Parker, who’s incredibly knowledgeable about renewable energy. I thought it might align with your interests.”
  4. “Logan, meet Avery. He’s looking for partnerships in the tech space, and your app development expertise would be beneficial.”

Frame the introduction by highlighting their professional compatibility:

  1. “Harper, I want you to meet Riley. They’ve got a startup that’s disrupting the fintech space, and I think your insights could be really valuable.”
  2. “Jayden, this is Bailey who specializes in import/export laws, which is what you were looking for help with, right?”

Handling Awkward Situations

Sometimes you’ll encounter awkward moments during introductions. Knowing how to navigate them smoothly can keep everyone comfortable.

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When Someone Forgets a Name

If you notice someone has forgotten a name, a subtle approach is key. For example, “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” allows the forgotten name to be shared without embarrassment. Alternatively, if you’re hosting the introduction, you can reintroduce the person forgotten, “This is John…”

Correcting Wrong Information During Introductions

Correcting misinformation during introductions should be done gently and quickly. For example, if someone introduces your friend with the wrong job title, a light-hearted correction works well: “Actually, Lisa just became the lead graphic designer at her firm!” This conveys the correct information without putting the other person on the spot. It’s important to address any incorrect details promptly to prevent confusion later on.

Special Considerations

When making introductions, you need to be mindful of the dynamics and contexts of the groups or individuals involved. Different scenarios require tailored approaches to ensure that the introductions are respectful and appropriate.

Introducing Group to Group

When you’re introducing one group of people to another, it’s important to find common ground. Start by mentioning what each group shares, which can be a project they’re working on or a mutual interest. For example, “Group A, meet Group B. You all have a passion for renewable energy, and I think you’ll have a lot to talk about.” Make sure to keep the introduction fair, giving equal importance to both groups.

Introducing People Over Digital Platforms

When you’re introducing people over email or social media, you should give a clear context for the introduction. Write a message that includes why you think they should connect, and then allow them to continue the conversation. An example email might begin with, “Jane, I’d like you to meet Sam. Sam’s expertise in market analytics aligns well with the project you’re leading.” (Always ask for permission before sharing contact information to respect privacy.) Related: Introducing Two People Over Email: 7 Warm and Inviting Examples

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are some engaging ways to introduce two acquaintances who have never met before?

You might start with what they have in common; for example, “Mike, meet Jenna—both of you have hiked the Appalachian Trail! Jenna, Mike’s also a photographer.” This not only introduces them but immediately gives them a topic for conversation.

Could you suggest some phrases for presenting a friend to an audience?

You could say, “I have the pleasure of introducing a close friend and a true inspiration—Sam. His dedication to community service has changed many lives.” This acknowledges your friend’s accomplishments and shares your personal connection.

What are the key elements of a professional email introduction for two contacts in a work setting?

In professional email introductions, clarify your relationship with the people you’re introducing. For instance, “Alex, I’d like you to meet Jordan. Jordan is our lead graphic designer and your creative insights might align for the upcoming project.” Include relevant context that identifies potential mutual benefits.


How should one initiate an introduction between two people in a friendly manner?

A casual introduction can be effortless; you might say, “Taylor, this is Jamie. Jamie’s the one who makes those amazing murals downtown. Jamie, Taylor’s the friend I surf with on weekends.” This simple exchange connects them through your shared interests.

What are some effective self-introduction techniques in group settings?

When you’re introducing yourself in a group, be concise but share a personal tidbit or interest. For example, “Hi, I’m Avery, the new social media strategist. When I’m not crafting campaigns, I’m usually out trying new sushi spots!”

Related: Effective Self-Introductions (Inspiring Examples and Scripts)

Posted in: Communication