
350 Inspiring ‘This or That’ Questions

This or That questions offer a straightforward choice between two options, which can simplify conversations and serve as engaging icebreakers.

What Are This or That Questions

This or That questions present you with two choices, prompting you to select which one you prefer, relate to, or believe is accurate. They are usually posed in a simple format such as, “Tea or coffee?”

For example:

  • “Cats or dogs?”
  • “Books or movies?”
  • “Morning or night?”

The Role of This or That Questions in Communication

These types of questions are particularly useful as icebreakers because they require minimal effort to answer, while still revealing personal preferences. In casual settings, This or That questions can create a relaxed atmosphere and encourage everyone to participate in the conversation, even those who may be more introverted. Within group settings or team-building activities, these questions facilitate bonding and can lead to further discussion on common interests.

When you’re asked a This or That question, your choice can reveal a part of your personality and can be a fun way to compare preferences with others.

This or That Questions for Work and Teams

When you’re aiming to foster a sense of camaraderie within your team or simply want to break the ice in a work environment, ‘This or That’ questions can be a great tool. They provide a lighthearted way for colleagues to learn about one another’s preferences and can be a fun part of team meetings. These questions should be easy to answer and not put anyone on the spot about sensitive topics like salary or personal life.

  1. Team Building or Individual Projects?
  2. Casual Dress Code or Formal Attire?
  3. Work From Home or Office-based Work?
  4. Structured Schedule or Flexible Hours?
  5. Coffee or Tea during Breaks?
  6. Email Communication or Direct Conversation?
  7. Career Development Courses or On-the-Job Training?
  8. Lunch Out or Bring Your Own?
  9. Early Bird Shifts or Night Owl Hours?
  10. Project Deadlines or Open-Ended Tasks?
  11. Team Leader or Team Collaborator?
  12. Large Company or Small Start-up?
  13. Internal Promotion or External Hiring?
  14. Annual Bonus or Regular Perks?
  15. Online Meetings or Face-to-Face Discussions?
  16. Shared Workspace or Individual Office?
  17. Hands-on Work or Strategy Planning?
  18. Frequent Breaks or Longer Lunch Hours?
  19. Work-Life Balance or Career-Focused?
  20. Client Interaction or Behind-the-Scenes Work?
  21. Startup Culture or Corporate Environment?
  22. Mentoring Others or Being Mentored?
  23. Salary Increase or More Vacation Days?
  24. Big Team Projects or Small, Quick Tasks?
  25. In-House Training or External Conferences?
  26. Health Benefits or Gym Membership?
  27. On-Site Canteen or Nearby Restaurants?
  28. Traditional Office Layout or Open Plan?
  29. Private Cubicle or Shared Desk?
  30. Full-Time Employment or Contract Work?
  31. Remote Work Abroad or Stay Local?
  32. Tight Deadlines or Long-Term Planning?
  33. Process-Oriented or Result-Oriented Work?
  34. Detailed Reports or Executive Summaries?
  35. Daily Team Standups or Weekly Meetings?
  36. Cubicle Privacy or Team Interaction Space?
  37. Employee Training or Self-Learning?
  38. Outsourcing or In-House Talent?
  39. Cross-Departmental Collaboration or Departmental Autonomy?
  40. Networking Events or Team-Building Activities?
  41. High-Pressure Roles or Relaxed Environment?
  42. Core Business Hours or Around-The-Clock Coverage?
  43. Local Clients or International Accounts?
  44. Structured Career Path or Open Career Options?
  45. Lots of Travel or Desk-Based Work?
  46. Paperless Office or Print Documents?
  47. Startup Methods or Established Procedures?
  48. Strong Company Culture or High Salary?
  49. Community Projects or Industry Partnerships?
  50. Diverse Team or Specialized Experts?

These ‘This or That’ questions encourage you to reflect on what you value in your work and team settings. They can also spark engaging conversations and even inspire change within your company. Keep these questions handy for your next team gathering or when you have a few minutes to connect with your coworkers.

Funny This or That Questions

Preparing for a lighthearted game night or a cozy evening with your significant other? Amp up the fun with these hilarious ‘this or that’ questions. They’re a great way to spark laughter and foster connections, whether you’re on a romantic getaway or enjoying a relaxing staycation.

  1. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on life?
  2. Fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?
  3. Spend the day with your favorite movie star or your favorite musician?
  4. Have a time machine that only goes back in time or only goes forward?
  5. Be a genius that nobody believes or an idiot that everybody believes?
  6. Go on a vacation to a place where nobody speaks your language or staycation with annoying neighbors?
  7. Win the lottery but lose all your friends or remain poor but have your friends?
  8. Live in a cave with a view or in a castle with no windows?
  9. Experience an epic love story in a movie or live a drama-free TV show relationship?
  10. Have nosy parents or parents who know nothing about technology?
  11. Always have to say what you’re thinking or never speak again?
  12. Fight a shark on land or a lion in water?
  13. Always wear earmuffs or a nose plug?
  14. Have a pet that talks back or a pet that can do household chores?
  15. Be stranded on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly?
  16. Have bad internet on vacation or perfect Wi-Fi but no vacation days?
  17. Be an unknown superhero or a famous villain?
  18. Have a rewind function in your relationship or a fast-forward button?
  19. Have your dream job or find true love?
  20. Share your room with a friendly ghost or with your most annoying ex?
  21. Control space or time?
  22. Know the mysteries of the ocean or space?
  23. Be able to teleport to places you’ve already been or only to places you’ve never been?
  24. Have a chef that cooks your least favorite meals to perfection or a chef that cooks only with ingredients you’re allergic to?
  25. Have your life narrated by Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones?
  26. Be able to talk to animals or speak all foreign languages?
  27. Have an unlimited gift card to your favorite store or free flights for life?
  28. Have seven fingers on your hand or seven toes on your foot?
  29. Be invisible but always smell terrible or have amazing scent but bright purple skin?
  30. Sing karaoke with your boss or a duet in a talent show with your mom?
  31. Brush your teeth with soap or drink sour milk?
  32. Get stuck at the top of a Ferris wheel or inside an elevator?
  33. Have a picnic in a haunted graveyard or a lovely dinner in a creepy forest?
  34. Use ketchup for everything or never use any condiments again?
  35. Have X-ray vision of people you find unattractive or be blind to those you find attractive?
  36. Always speak your mind or never be able to speak again?
  37. Have an itch you can’t reach or always have something in your eye?
  38. Have unlimited battery life on all your devices or have free Wi-Fi wherever you go?
  39. Change your past or see glimpses of your future?
  40. Dance every time you hear music or sing along to every song you hear?
  41. Be forced to wear wet socks all day or only be allowed to wash your hair once a year?
  42. Be trapped in a small room with 10 crying babies or with 10 skunks?
  43. Let out a burp every time you lean in for a kiss or sneeze every time you say ‘I love you’?
  44. Have a clown only you can see follow you everywhere or be followed by a real-life soundtrack that everyone can hear?
  45. Live as a dog with a loving family or a wild lion in the savanna?
  46. Shower in spaghetti sauce or have to put peanut butter in your hair?
  47. Use sandpaper for toilet paper or hot sauce for eye drops?
  48. Have your dream house in a terrible location or the worst house in the best location?
  49. Lose all your money and valuables or all of the pictures you’ve ever taken?
  50. Accidentally laugh loudly at a funeral or fart while giving a speech at a wedding?

This quirky assortment of questions ensures that no matter who you are with—friends, family, or your partner—you’re set for an evening sprinkled with chuckles and good-hearted teasing. Enjoy the game and may your choices reveal the most humorous side of life!

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This or That Questions for Couples

This or that questions can be a fun way for you and your partner to learn more about each other. Whether you’re on a long car ride, having a cozy night in, or just looking for a light-hearted activity, these questions can spark conversations and laughter.

  1. Beach vacation or mountain retreat?
  2. Dinner date or movie night?
  3. Dogs or cats?
  4. City living or country life?
  5. Fancy restaurant or home-cooked meal?
  6. Comedy movie or horror film?
  7. Morning jog or evening walk?
  8. Physical books or audiobooks?
  9. Painting class or cooking class?
  10. Save money or spend money?
  11. Text messages or phone calls?
  12. Indoor date or outdoor adventure?
  13. Classic music or modern hits?
  14. Television series or movie marathon?
  15. Gift giving or gift receiving?
  16. Winter sports or summer sports?
  17. Long drive or short flight?
  18. Reality TV shows or documentaries?
  19. Board games or video games?
  20. Coffee shop hangout or library study session?
  21. Fictional books or non-fiction books?
  22. Sweet treats or savory snacks?
  23. Win a fortune or find true love?
  24. Staycation or explore new places?
  25. Home workout or gym session?
  26. Spa day or sports game?
  27. Concerts or plays?
  28. Historical film or science fiction?
  29. Go out dancing or have a quiet night in?
  30. Public transport or personal vehicle?
  31. Organize a party or attend a party?
  32. Wine tasting or brewery tour?
  33. Ocean cruise or safari trip?
  34. Fresh salad or comfort food?
  35. Receive flowers or chocolates?
  36. Handwritten letters or instant messaging?
  37. Early bird or night owl?
  38. Social media or personal diary?
  39. Pop music or jazz music?
  40. Takeout food or homemade recipes?
  41. Art museum or science museum?
  42. Vintage fashion or latest trends?
  43. Ice cream sundae or fruit salad?
  44. Your favorite song or your favorite movie?
  45. Own a pet or plant a garden?
  46. Summer festival or winter wonderland?
  47. Thriller book or romance novel?
  48. Host a game night or watch a relationship TV show?
  49. Learn a new language or learn a musical instrument?
  50. Plan everything or be spontaneous?

These questions are designed to be light and engaging, making it easier for you to connect with your partner and understand each other’s preferences. The best part about this game is the conversation that follows each question, taking each other on a journey through preferences and values. Enjoy discovering new facets of your relationship!

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This or That Questions for Friends

Creating a game of “this or that” questions can be a fantastic way to learn more about your friends and spark engaging conversations. Whether you’re at a gathering, on a road trip, or just hanging out, these questions can prompt fascinating discussions and laughs.

  1. Coffee or tea?
  2. Cats or dogs?
  3. Morning or night?
  4. Call or text?
  5. Comedy or horror?
  6. Pizza or burgers?
  7. Summer or winter?
  8. Books or movies?
  9. City or countryside?
  10. Eating out or home-cooked meal?
  11. Gym or outdoor exercise?
  12. Beach vacation or mountain getaway?
  13. Pop music or rock music?
  14. Instagram or Twitter?
  15. Ice cream or cake?
  16. Football or basketball?
  17. Swimming or sunbathing?
  18. Alone time or social gathering?
  19. Save money or spend money?
  20. Truth or dare?
  21. Board games or video games?
  22. Love or money?
  23. Smartphone or laptop?
  24. Train or airplane?
  25. Early bird or night owl?

For those in romantic partnerships, you can tailor these questions to focus on preferences that might affect your relationship:

  1. Fancy date or Netflix and chill?
  2. Flowers or chocolates?
  3. Poetry or prose?
  4. Holding hands or hugs?
  5. Long walks or short runs together?
  6. Planned dates or spontaneous outings?
  7. Couples’ costumes or go as you are?
  8. Shared hobbies or individual hobbies?
  9. Relationship podcasts or TV shows about relationships?
  10. Eternal love or exciting adventure?
  11. Deep discussions or lighthearted chats?
  12. Love letter or love song?
  13. Art museum or science museum?
  14. Classical music concert or indie band gig?
  15. Home renovation or decor shopping together?

When it comes to lifestyle, reflect on everyday choices and scenarios that can influence your sense of well-being:

  1. Organic food or comfort food?
  2. Yoga or spinning?
  3. Meditation or a night out?
  4. Thrifting or brand-new?
  5. Cooking at home or takeout?

And lastly, for the social aspects of life, consider these questions:

  1. Big parties or small gatherings?
  2. Board game night or dance club?
  3. Double date or just the two of you?
  4. Group trip or solo travel?
  5. Staycation or a trip abroad?

This or That Questions for Adults

When you’re hanging out with friends or planning a couple’s game night, “this or that” questions can be an entertaining way to learn more about each other’s preferences. The variety of topics such as love, vacations, and TV shows keeps the conversation interesting.


  1. Netflix or YouTube?
  2. Podcast or Music Album?
  3. Phone Call or Text?
  4. Mountains or Beaches?
  5. Early Bird or Night Owl?
  6. Classic Art or Modern Art?
  7. Home-cooked meal or Fine Dining?
  8. Comedy or Drama?
  9. Pasta or Pizza?
  10. Winter or Summer?
  11. City life or Country life?
  12. Cats or Dogs?
  13. Sweet or Savory?
  14. Tea or Coffee?
  15. Books or Movies?
  16. Fitness Class or Outdoor Hiking?
  17. Board Games or Video Games?
  18. Morning or Evening?
  19. Formal Wear or Casual Wear?
  20. Tattoos or Piercings?
  21. Long Drives or Short Flights?
  22. Wine or Beer?
  23. Rainy Day or Sunny Day?
  24. Horror Movie or Comedy Show?
  25. Dance Party or Concert?
  26. Handwriting or Typing?
  27. Museum or Movie Theater?
  28. Ice Cream or Cake?
  29. Cardio or Weights?
  30. Facebook or Twitter?
  31. Painting or Drawing?
  32. Singing or Dancing?
  33. Car or Motorcycle?
  34. Cookies or Brownies?
  35. Skiing or Surfing?
  36. Reality TV Show or Scripted TV Show?
  37. Love Letters or Love Messages?
  38. Diamond or Pearl?
  39. Gift Cards or Cash?
  40. Train or Airplane?
  41. Hotel Stay or Camping?
  42. New Clothes or New Gadgets?
  43. Amusement Park or Water Park?
  44. Historical Novel or Science Fiction?
  45. Board Meeting or Skype Meeting?
  46. Wallet or Purse?
  47. Jogging or Swimming?
  48. Vegetable Garden or Flower Garden?
  49. Save or Spend?
  50. No Internet or No Cell Phone?

This or That Questions for Kids

When you’re looking to engage kids in a fun and light-hearted activity, ‘This or That’ questions can be a delightful choice. These questions help children make decisions and express preferences. While not directly related to couples, love, vacation, staycation, or relationship TV shows, the general concept of choosing between two options can be adapted for any group, including kids.

  1. Pizza or pasta?
  2. Dogs or cats?
  3. Ice cream or cake?
  4. Biking or skateboarding?
  5. Swimming or climbing?
  6. Superheroes or wizards?
  7. Paint or coloring books?
  8. Dinosaurs or dragons?
  9. Legos or Play-Doh?
  10. Science or art?
  11. Singing or dancing?
  12. Read a book or hear a story?
  13. Puzzles or board games?
  14. Morning or night?
  15. School or no school?
  16. Cartoons or live-action?
  17. Zoo or aquarium?
  18. Train or airplane?
  19. Beach or mountains?
  20. Sneakers or sandals?
  21. Ketchup or mustard?
  22. Short hair or long hair?
  23. Cars or trucks?
  24. Pirates or ninjas?
  25. Magic powers or super strength?
  26. Video game or mobile game?
  27. Tent or treehouse?
  28. Hot chocolate or juice?
  29. Hot or cold weather?
  30. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel?
  31. Soccer or basketball?
  32. Jeans or shorts?
  33. Elephants or lions?
  34. Text messages or phone calls?
  35. Slime or putty?
  36. Birthday or un-birthday?
  37. Boardwalk or pier?
  38. Aquarium or terrarium?
  39. Inside or outside play?
  40. Math or spelling?
  41. Strawberries or bananas?
  42. Spiders or snakes?
  43. Day at the park or day at the museum?
  44. Magic show or puppet show?
  45. Boats or submarines?
  46. Butterflies or ladybugs?
  47. Space travel or ocean exploration?
  48. Circus or carnival?
  49. Go to bed early or wake up late?
  50. Homework or housework?

This or That Questions for Students

When you’re in school, getting to know your classmates can be a fun and engaging experience. “This or That” questions provide a simple and interactive way to spark conversations and reveal preferences. Whether you’re on a break between classes or bonding during a school trip, these questions can be a great icebreaker. The following list offers a range of topics suitable for students, including some that are couple-oriented or touch on vacation themes, reflecting on relationships and preferences in a light and amusing way.

  1. Pizza or tacos?
  2. Instagram or Twitter?
  3. Library or museum?
  4. Dogs or cats?
  5. Summer or winter break?
  6. Comedy or horror movies?
  7. Morning classes or evening classes?
  8. Group project or solo assignment?
  9. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
  10. Textbooks or ebooks?
  11. Classic literature or modern novels?
  12. Hard cover books or soft cover books?
  13. Coffee or tea?
  14. Art class or science lab?
  15. Basketball or football?
  16. Beach vacation or mountain staycation?
  17. Dance club or quiet lounge?
  18. City life or country life?
  19. Camping or hotel stay?
  20. Binge-watching a series or watching a movie?
  21. Sweet snacks or savory snacks?
  22. Roller coasters or water slides?
  23. Bike ride or run?
  24. Math puzzles or word puzzles?
  25. Ice cream or frozen yogurt?
  26. Love songs or breakup songs?
  27. Reality TV shows or dramas?
  28. Gift cards or cash gifts?
  29. Public speaking or writing an essay?
  30. Eating out or home-cooked meal?
  31. Pop music or rock music?
  32. Talent shows or quiz competitions?
  33. Halloween or Valentine’s Day?
  34. Superhero movies or fantasy movies?
  35. Train travel or air travel?
  36. Gym workouts or outdoor sports?
  37. Pen or pencil?
  38. Thriller novels or romance novels?
  39. Studying alone or study groups?
  40. Phone calls or text messages?
  41. Historical fiction or science fiction?
  42. Early bird or night owl?
  43. Classical music or jazz music?
  44. Chess or checkers?
  45. Going to a party or hosting a party?
  46. Taking photographs or being photographed?
  47. Pool swimming or ocean swimming?
  48. Animated movies or live-action movies?
  49. Skiing or snowboarding?
  50. Stargazing or sunrise watching?

Crafting This or That Questions

When you create This or That questions, you’re aiming for a fun and engaging way to spark conversation. They should be easy to answer and inspire further discussion.

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Creative and Funny This or That Questions

To keep a game lively, take a playful approach when crafting questions. Pick topics that are light-hearted and universal, so everyone can relate and enjoy. Questions about quirky habits or odd combos can trigger laughter and create a warm atmosphere among friends. For example:

  • Would you rather be able to speak to animals or speak all foreign languages?
  • Would you choose to wear clown shoes every day or a clown wig?

Personal Development and Self-Reflection Questions

Questions focused on personal development encourage deeper thought and introspection. These can reveal aspirations and motivations, which is especially valuable when conversing with family or discussing success. When you aim for insight, frame your questions to prompt a meaningful choice:

  • Would you prioritize a high-paying job with long hours or a moderate income with lots of free time?
  • Would you rather read a book that changes your perspective on life or have a deep conversation that leads to a breakthrough?


Frequently Asked Questions

What ‘this or that’ questions work best for breaking the ice with new friends?

To break the ice with new friends, consider asking, “Books or movies?” or “Morning or night?” These questions can reveal personal preferences and kickstart deeper conversations.

1. Cats or dogs?
2. Pizza or burgers?
3. Comedy or horror?
4. Texting or calling?
5. Summer or winter?
6. City or countryside?
7. Gym or outdoor activities?
8. Netflix or YouTube?
9. Board games or video games?

Can you give me some ‘this or that’ questions that are suitable for couples to ask each other?

Couples might enjoy asking each other, “Beach vacation or mountain getaway?” or “Dine out or home-cooked meal?” These questions can help partners discover shared interests and plan future dates.

1. Fancy dress or casual wear?
2. Long drives or short flights?
3. Wine or beer?
4. Art museum or science museum?
5. Sunrise or sunset?
6. Spontaneous trips or planned itineraries?
7. Thriller or romance movies?
8. Going out or staying in?
9. Concerts or theater?

What kind of ‘this or that’ questions are appropriate for adults in a casual setting?

For adults in a casual setting, you might opt for “Coffee or tea?” or “Live music or podcasts?” These prompts are universally relatable and can suit a variety of preferences.

1. Novels or magazines?
2. Hiking or swimming?
3. Classic rock or modern pop?
4. Painting or photography?
5. Historical fiction or science fiction?
6. Yoga or weightlifting?
7. Cooking at home or ordering takeout?
8. Smartwatch or traditional watch?
9. Car or motorcycle?

Posted in: Communication