
40 Performance Review Questions for Employee Development

Core Performance Review Questions

Self-Assessment Queries

Encourage employees to reflect on their performance by asking them questions that prompt self-assessment. This can help uncover insights or trends that may not be immediately apparent to you. Here are some sample questions:

  • How would you rate your overall performance this review period?
  • What aspects of your role do you enjoy most?
  • What areas of your work do you feel need improvement?
  • Can you mention a specific accomplishment you’re proud of this period?

Role-Specific Achievements

Focus on achievements and successes specific to each employee’s role. This helps reinforce the importance of their contributions and highlights areas of expertise. Use these example questions as a guide:

  • What key goals did you set for yourself this year, and how well did you achieve them?
  • Which project or task are you most proud of, and why?
  • What has been the most significant challenge you’ve overcome in your role this period?
  • How have you contributed to the team’s success this year?

Skills and Strengths Evaluation

Gaining a better understanding of an employee’s skills and strengths helps you identify opportunities for growth and development. Use these questions to facilitate this conversation:

  • What skills do you feel you’ve improved on this year?
  • Which strengths have been the most valuable to you in your role?
  • Are there any new skills you’d like to develop in the coming months?
  • How would you like to build upon your current strengths?

Addressing Challenges and Learnings

Discussing difficulties and learnings allows you and your employees to address issues and strategize solutions moving forward. Here are some example questions to ask:

  • What challenges have you faced in your role recently, and how have you addressed them?
  • What have you learned from these challenges?
  • Can you provide an example of when you received constructive feedback and how you applied it to your work?
  • Are there any obstacles that you feel are preventing you from reaching your full potential in your role?
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Collaboration and Teamwork Insight

Contribution to Team Dynamics

  • How have you helped your team achieve its goals?
  • Can you share a recent example of when you supported a teammate?
  • What roles do you usually play within your team? Why do you think these roles suit you?
  • Is there any area where you think you could improve your team-related skills? If so, how?

Feedback on Collaboration

  • Describe an instance where your collaboration skills were crucial to completing a project.
  • How do you adapt your communication style when working with different team members?
  • What strategies do you use to resolve conflicts or disagreements within your group?
  • How well do you prioritize tasks and delegate responsibilities when working with others?

Professional Growth and Development

Career Aspirations Discussion

When discussing career aspirations with your employees, it’s important to create an open and supportive atmosphere. Ask them about their short-term and long-term goals within the company and industry. Some sample questions to foster this conversation include:

  • Where do you see yourself in the next 1-3 years within our company?
  • What are your long-term career goals in our industry and how can we help you achieve them?
  • Is there a specific role or position within the company you’re interested in pursuing?
  • Are there any skills or experiences you believe would help you advance in your career?

Remember that this is a collaborative process and encourage employees to think about their own potential and how the company can support their growth.

Training and Improvement Needs

Identifying skill gaps and areas in need of improvement is key to fostering employee development. Discussing possible training opportunities and resources with your employees can be greatly beneficial for both the individual and the organization. Consider asking the following questions during the performance review:

  • What new skills would you like to develop within your role?
  • Are there any areas in your current job where you feel you could improve or strengthen your expertise?
  • Are you interested in participating in any specific training courses or attending workshops related to your role or goals?
  • Which resources or support can we provide to help you succeed in developing your skills further?
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Forward-Looking Evaluation

Goal-Setting for the Next Period

Setting clear and attainable goals for the upcoming period is vital for employee development. Utilize your performance review to discuss and identify objectives that align with your employee’s skills and company objectives. This collaboration not only helps your employee focus on their progress but also fosters a sense of ownership. Consider these questions:

  • What are your top priorities for the next period?
  • How do these goals align with the company’s objectives?
  • What resources or support do you need to achieve these goals?
  • How will you measure your success in meeting these objectives?

(Take the time to review and adjust goals as needed. Evaluating progress regularly helps your employee stay on track and maintain motivation.)

Opportunities for Advancement

Performance reviews present an excellent opportunity to discuss your employee’s career development and explore potential growth opportunities within the company. This conversation can help your employees recognize their future prospects and take steps toward achieving their career goals. Here are some questions to spark this dialogue:

  • What are your long-term career goals?
  • How do you see your role evolving within the company?
  • Which skills or experiences are you interested in developing further?
  • Are there any specific training programs or mentorship opportunities that would benefit your growth?

Be supportive and encouraging in this conversation, offering guidance and resources that could help your employee reach their aspirations. A forward-looking evaluation not only contributes to employee development but also enhances overall job satisfaction and retention.


Frequently Asked Questions

What key skills should be assessed in a performance appraisal?

The skills assessed in a performance appraisal can vary based on your job function and industry. However, some common areas to consider include:

  • Communication
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Problem-solving
  • Technical skills relevant to your role
  • Adaptability
  • Time management and organization
  • Leadership (if applicable)
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What are the three fundamental questions we should address in every performance review to gauge overall success?

When evaluating your performance, it’s helpful to address these three questions:

  1. How effectively have you met your goals and objectives set for the review period?
  2. In what ways have you contributed to the success of the team or organization?
  3. What steps are you taking to develop professionally and address areas of improvement?
Posted in: Performance Reviews