
Listening Skills: Performance Review Examples (Rating 1 – 5)

Good listening skills are essential for effective communication, building relationships, and achieving mutual understanding. Some key components of effective listening skills include maintaining eye contact, asking clarifying questions, avoiding distractions, and demonstrating empathy and understanding.

Questions to determine an employee’s performance rating for listening skills:

1. Does the employee make eye contact when listening to others?
2. Does the employee ask questions to clarify understanding?
3. Does the employee repeat back what was said to ensure understanding?
4. Does the employee show empathy and understanding towards others?
5. Does the employee interrupt others when they are speaking?
6. Does the employee appear distracted or disengaged during conversations?
7. Does the employee follow through on commitments made during conversations?
8. Does the employee remember important details from previous conversations?
9. Does the employee seek feedback on their listening skills?
10. Does the employee demonstrate active listening during team meetings and discussions?

Related: Best Performance Review Examples for 48 Key Skills

2000+ Performance Review Phrases: The Complete List (Performance Feedback Examples)

Listening Skills Performance Review Phrases and Paragraphs Examples

5 – Outstanding

Example Phrases

– Consistently demonstrates exceptional listening skills
– Actively engages in conversations and demonstrates full understanding
– Uses non-verbal cues to show attentiveness
– Asks relevant questions to clarify understanding
– Demonstrates empathy and understanding towards others

Example Paragraph

“John is an outstanding listener. He consistently demonstrates exceptional listening skills by actively engaging in conversations and demonstrating full understanding. He uses non-verbal cues to show attentiveness and asks relevant questions to clarify his understanding. John always demonstrates empathy and understanding towards others, which helps to build strong relationships and trust.”

4 – Exceeds Expectations

Example Phrases

– Consistently demonstrates strong listening skills
– Actively engages in conversations and demonstrates understanding
– Uses non-verbal cues to show attentiveness
– Asks relevant questions to clarify understanding
– Demonstrates empathy and understanding towards others most of the time

  Technical Skills: Performance Review Examples (Rating 1 - 5)

Example Paragraph

“Mary exceeds expectations in her listening skills. She consistently demonstrates strong listening skills by actively engaging in conversations and demonstrating understanding. Mary uses non-verbal cues to show attentiveness and asks relevant questions to clarify her understanding. Although there are times when she could demonstrate more empathy and understanding towards others, Mary’s overall listening skills are strong and effective.”

3 – Meets Expectations

Example Phrases

– Demonstrates basic listening skills
– Engages in conversations and demonstrates some understanding
– Uses some non-verbal cues to show attentiveness
– Occasionally asks relevant questions to clarify understanding
– Demonstrates empathy and understanding towards others some of the time

Example Paragraph

“Tom meets expectations in his listening skills. He demonstrates basic listening skills by engaging in conversations and demonstrating some understanding. Tom uses some non-verbal cues to show attentiveness and occasionally asks relevant questions to clarify his understanding. Although there are times when he could demonstrate more empathy and understanding towards others, Tom’s overall listening skills are satisfactory.”

2 – Needs Improvement

Example Phrases

– Demonstrates poor listening skills
– Rarely engages in conversations and demonstrates understanding
– Does not use non-verbal cues to show attentiveness
– Rarely asks relevant questions to clarify understanding
– Demonstrates little to no empathy and understanding towards others

Example Paragraph

“Sarah needs improvement in her listening skills. She demonstrates poor listening skills by rarely engaging in conversations and demonstrating understanding. Sarah does not use non-verbal cues to show attentiveness and rarely asks relevant questions to clarify her understanding. Additionally, Sarah demonstrates little to no empathy and understanding towards others, which can lead to misunderstandings and strained relationships. It is important for Sarah to work on improving her listening skills in order to effectively communicate and build positive relationships with others.”

1 – Unacceptable

Example Phrases

– Demonstrates complete lack of listening skills
– Does not engage in conversations or demonstrate understanding
– Does not use non-verbal cues to show attentiveness
– Does not ask relevant questions to clarify understanding
– Demonstrates no empathy or understanding towards others

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Example Paragraph

“Mark’s listening skills are unacceptable. He demonstrates a complete lack of listening skills by not engaging in conversations or demonstrating understanding. Mark does not use non-verbal cues to show attentiveness and does not ask relevant questions to clarify his understanding. Additionally, Mark demonstrates no empathy or understanding towards others, which can lead to significant communication breakdowns and negative relationships. It is crucial for Mark to improve his listening skills in order to effectively communicate and build positive relationships with others.”

Posted in: Performance Reviews