
Professionalism: Performance Review Examples (Rating 1 – 5)

Professionalism demonstrates an employee’s dedication, responsibility, and commitment to their job. It includes maintaining a positive attitude, dressing appropriately, demonstrating excellent communication skills, adhering to the company’s rules and regulations, and consistently meeting performance expectations. Employees who consistently exhibit outstanding professionalism are an asset to the organization.

Questions that can help you determine an employee’s rating for professionalism:

  1. Does the employee consistently meet expectations for their job role and responsibilities?
  2. Does the employee demonstrate a positive attitude and work ethic?
  3. Does the employee communicate effectively with colleagues and customers?
  4. Does the employee adhere to company policies and procedures?
  5. Does the employee take initiative and show a willingness to learn and improve?

Based on the answers to these questions, you can assign a rating that reflects the employee’s level of professionalism. For example, if the employee consistently meets expectations, communicates effectively, and adheres to company policies, they may receive a high rating. On the other hand, if the employee struggles with communication, does not follow policies, or has a negative attitude, they may receive a lower rating. It’s important to provide specific examples and feedback to support the rating you assign.

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2000+ Performance Review Phrases: The Complete List (Performance Feedback Examples)

Performance Review Phrases and Paragraphs Examples For Professionalism

5 – Outstanding

Example Phrases

  • Consistently exceeds professional standards
  • Often goes above and beyond to maintain a positive workplace atmosphere
  • Exceptional communication skills, always clear and concise
  • Sets an example for others in terms of professionalism
  • Consistently models exceptional professional behavior, which sets a positive example for her colleagues.
  • Maintains a positive attitude even in the face of challenges and manages to keep the team focused on achieving their goals.
  • Consistently goes above and beyond his job responsibilities, never hesitating to lend a helping hand to colleagues in need.
  • Always comes prepared to meetings, setting the standard for punctuality and commitment within the team.
  • Maintains a high level of integrity in all his actions, ensuring that he is always working in the best interest of the company.

Example Paragraph

“Marie consistently demonstrates outstanding professionalism in all aspects of her work. She consistently models exceptional professional behavior, which sets a positive example for her colleagues. Marie maintains a positive attitude even in the face of challenges and manages to keep the team focused on achieving their goals. Her meticulous attention to detail and dedication to her work make her a highly respected member of the team. Marie also consistently goes above and beyond her job responsibilities, never hesitating to lend a helping hand to colleagues in need. Additionally, she always comes prepared to meetings, setting the standard for punctuality and commitment within the team. Marie maintains a high level of integrity in all her actions, ensuring that she is always working in the best interest of the company. Her outstanding level of professionalism makes her a true asset to the organization.”


“[Employee’s name] consistently exceeds professional standards and serves as a role model for other team members. Their exceptional communication skills foster a positive work environment by ensuring clarity, which contributes to the success of our projects. In their role, [employee’s name] often goes above and beyond to maintain a positive workplace atmosphere that promotes collaboration and growth.”

4 – Exceeds Expectations

Example Phrases

  • Always maintains a professional demeanor, even in challenging situations
  • Displays exceptional time management skills and consistently meets deadlines
  • Takes initiative and goes beyond job requirements to improve the workplace
  • Effectively collaborates with others and fosters a positive work environment
  • Upholds high ethical standards and is a role model for others in the company
  • Frequently demonstrates professionalism in interactions with others
  • Adheres to company dress code, maintains a polished appearance
  • Displays strong communication skills
  • Actively participates in company events and initiatives
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Example Paragraph

“Jane consistently demonstrates professionalism in the workplace. She is punctual, always arriving to work on time, and prepared to take on the day’s tasks. Her appearance is neat and tidy, and she carries herself with poise and confidence. Jane treats her colleagues with respect and is always open to feedback, constantly seeking to improve her skills. She adheres to company policies and displays a strong work ethic, often surpassing her targets and contributing to the success of the team.”


“[Employee’s name] has shown a dedication to maintaining a high level of professionalism in the workplace. They follow the company dress code and consistently demonstrate excellent communication, which promotes efficiency and collaboration. Additionally, [employee’s name] actively participates in company events and initiatives, further underscoring their commitment to professionalism.”

3 – Meets Expectations

Example Phrases

  • Adheres to company policies and procedures in most situations
  • Communicates effectively with colleagues and clients
  • Meets deadlines and manages tasks efficiently
  • Demonstrates a good understanding of professional etiquette
  • Consistently treats colleagues and clients with respect
  • Maintains a professional appearance and demeanor
  • Usually takes initiative to solve problems and complete tasks
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of time management and prioritization
  • Effectively communicates both verbally and in writing
  • Shows a willingness to learn and adapt to new information and situations

Example Paragraph

“Jane is a dedicated employee who demonstrates professionalism in her day-to-day work. With a good understanding of professional etiquette, she consistently treats colleagues and clients with respect. Her professional appearance and demeanor are in line with company expectations, and she adheres to company policies and procedures in most situations. Jane strives to meet deadlines and prioritize tasks, managing her time effectively. She communicates efficiently, both verbally and in writing, with colleagues and clients. Her willingness to learn and adapt to new situations is a valuable skill that is essential for maintaining professionalism. Overall, Jane’s performance in professionalism meets expectations.”


“[Employee’s name] meets the professional expectations outlined for their position. They generally adhere to company policies, communicate effectively with colleagues and clients, and exhibit a positive attitude. [Employee’s name] is able to manage tasks and meet deadlines efficiently, which contributes to the success of our team.”

2 – Needs Improvement

Example Phrases

  • Occasionally falls short of professional standards
  • Struggles with effective communication at times
  • Requires reminders to adhere to company dress code
  • Needs improvement in managing tasks and meeting deadlines
  100 Feedback Examples for Peers

Example Paragraph

“Overall, Jane’s performance has been satisfactory, but there are areas that require improvement. While Jane has shown proficiency in completing her tasks, she occasionally falls short of professional standards. Her communication skills could also use some work, as she struggles to effectively convey her ideas at times. Additionally, there have been instances where Jane has not adhered to the company’s dress code, requiring reminders from management. Jane also needs to improve her ability to manage tasks and meet deadlines. While she has shown potential in this area, there have been occasions where she has not completed her work on time, causing delays in project completion. With some guidance and support, Jane has the potential to improve in these areas and become a valuable member of the team.”


“[Employee’s name] has demonstrated some difficulty in meeting professional expectations. There have been instances where their communication skills required improvement, and [employee’s name] has occasionally failed to adhere to the company dress code. Additionally, they could benefit from improvement in task management and meeting deadlines to better contribute to our team’s success.”

1 – Unacceptable

Example Phrases

  • Routinely disregards professional expectations and company policies
  • Displays poor communication skills with colleagues and clients
  • Does not comply with the company dress code
  • Consistently fails to meet deadlines and complete tasks efficiently

Example Paragraph

“Susan arrives late to work almost every day, which disrupts team meetings and causes a delay in project updates. Her attire is often casual, despite the company’s strict business attire policy. Susan fails to proofread her emails and often uses informal language, creating confusion among her colleagues. She is also known to make inappropriate or offensive jokes during work hours, affecting team morale and the professional environment. To improve, Susan must address her punctuality, pay close attention to her appearance, and focus on using clear, professional language in both written and verbal communication within the workplace.”


“Unfortunately, [employee’s name] has demonstrated a pattern of unprofessional behavior. They routinely disregard company policies and have shown poor communication skills when interacting with both colleagues and clients. [Employee’s name] has consistently not complied with the company dress code and has demonstrated difficulty in meeting deadlines and completing tasks efficiently, which has negatively impacted our team’s performance.”


Posted in: Performance Reviews