
What is 360 Degree Feedback? [Questionnaire Template]

The 360-degree feedback process gathers input from various sources, such as superiors, peers, and subordinates, to provide a well-rounded perspective on our performance and areas for improvement. By leveraging this approach, you’ll not only gain insights into your strengths and weaknesses but also discover new opportunities to advance your career. Throughout this guide, you’ll find practical tips and examples to help you understand each aspect of the 360-degree feedback process, from preparation to implementation and beyond.

Benefits of 360-Degree Feedback

360-degree feedback creates a well-rounded assessment of your performance, as it involves input from various sources, such as managers, peers, and subordinates. This approach offers several advantages:

  • Comprehensive insights:
    You gain a more complete understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement.
  • Personal growth:
    Identifying your blind spots and areas for improvement can help you become a better employee and leader.
  • Improved communication:
    The feedback process encourages open dialogue among team members, improving collaboration and teamwork.


  1. A manager receiving feedback may learn that their communication style is perceived as too harsh by their employees, prompting them to adjust their approach.
  2. An employee may find that their peers appreciate their technical skills, but suggest improvement in time management.
  3. A team leader may receive praise for their effective delegation skills and discover that additional training in conflict resolution could enhance their leadership.

Challenges of 360-Degree Feedback

Implementing a 360-degree feedback process can be challenging. Some potential pitfalls to consider include:

  • Time-consuming:
    Collecting, analyzing, and providing feedback from multiple sources requires significant time and effort from your HR department and employees.
  • Sensitive information:
    Receiving negative feedback, especially from peers or subordinates, may be uncomfortable or discouraging.
  • Organizational culture:
    A company’s existing culture may need to adapt to support open communication and honest feedback.


  1. An organization may struggle with conducting the feedback process efficiently.
  2. A manager may feel demotivated after receiving a negative review from their subordinates.
  3. Resistance from employees who prefer traditional top-down feedback may hinder the adoption of 360-degree feedback.

Balancing Anonymity and Honest Communication

An important aspect of 360-degree feedback is balancing anonymity with honest communication. Anonymity is crucial to ensure candid feedback, but it can also create challenges:

  • Accountability:
    Anonymous feedback may lack accountability and the possibility of follow-up discussions.
  • Misinterpretation:
    Anonymity can result in misinterpreted feedback due to a lack of context or clarification.
  • Lack of trust:
    Employees may be skeptical about the anonymity of the process and, therefore, hesitate to provide honest input.

To make 360-degree feedback effective, you must maintain trust among employees and encourage open, direct communication.


  1. Your organization may have a feedback platform that assures respondents that their answers will be kept anonymous.
  2. You can establish guidelines for providing honest and constructive feedback while maintaining respect and professionalism.
  3. During feedback sessions, remind employees of the importance of confidentiality and following the established guidelines.

Implementing 360-Degree Feedback Process

Selecting Your Raters

When implementing a 360-degree feedback process, it’s essential to carefully choose your raters. These people will provide valuable insights into your competencies and performance. Seek perspectives from different stakeholders, such as managers, direct reports, peers, and customers.

For accurate and comprehensive feedback, it’s crucial to have a diverse set of raters familiar with various aspects of your work. Ensure that raters can provide constructive feedback based on direct experiences and observations.


  1. Selecting a project team member who witnessed your leadership skills.
  2. Requesting feedback from a colleague you collaborated closely with.

Creating a 360-Degree Feedback Questionnaire

A well-designed 360-degree feedback questionnaire is crucial for collecting appropriate and actionable information. Ensure questions are related to the competencies and behaviors relevant to your role and development goals. Questions can be a mix of Likert scale, open-ended, and behavior-based.

Here are some tips and guidelines to help you create a high-quality 360-Degree Feedback Questionnaire:

1. Identify the competencies or behaviors to be assessed:
Start by identifying the key competencies or behaviors that are important for the individual’s role or job performance. This could include areas such as communication, teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, customer service, and so on.

  Collaboration Skills: Performance Review Examples (Rating 1 - 5)

2. Use rating scales:
Use rating scales to assess each competency or behavior. A typical rating scale ranges from 1 to 5, with 1 being “needs improvement” and 5 being “excellent”. You can also use a Likert scale, which ranges from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”.

3. Include open-ended questions:
In addition to rating scales, include open-ended questions that allow respondents to provide detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement. This can provide valuable insights into specific areas of strength and weakness.

4. Ensure anonymity:
Ensure that the feedback is anonymous, so that respondents feel comfortable providing honest and constructive feedback without fear of retribution.

5. Provide clear instructions:
Provide clear instructions to respondents on how to complete the questionnaire, including how to rate each competency or behavior and how to provide open-ended feedback.

6. Review and refine:
Review the questionnaire to ensure that it is clear, concise, and relevant to the individual’s role or job performance. Refine the questionnaire as needed based on feedback from pilot testing or other sources.

Keep the questionnaire clear, concise, and easily understandable. Avoid vague questions that may lead to unhelpful answers.


  1. Likert scale question: “On a scale of 1-5, how well does the participant manage time and prioritize tasks?”
  2. Open-ended question: “How could the participant improve their communication with team members?”
  3. Behavior-based question: “Describe a situation where the participant showcased problem-solving abilities.”


Sample Free 360 Degree Feedback Questionnaire

360-degree Feedback Questionnaire Template 1


Competency: Communication

Rating Scale: 1 – Needs Improvement, 2 – Somewhat Effective, 3 – Effective, 4 – Very Effective, 5 – Excellent

1. Provides clear and concise messages
2. Listens actively and responds appropriately
3. Communicates effectively with team members and stakeholders
4. Uses appropriate channels of communication
5. Provides timely and accurate information
6. Adapts communication style to different audiences
7. Demonstrates strong written communication skills
8. Demonstrates strong verbal communication skills

Open-Ended Questions:
1. Please provide specific examples of when this person demonstrated strong communication skills.
2. What suggestions do you have for this person to improve their communication skills?

Competency: Teamwork

Rating Scale: 1 – Needs Improvement, 2 – Somewhat Effective, 3 – Effective, 4 – Very Effective, 5 – Excellent

1. Collaborates effectively with team members
2. Builds positive relationships with team members
3. Shares knowledge and expertise with team members
4. Takes responsibility for team outcomes
5. Resolves conflicts constructively
6. Contributes to a positive team culture
7. Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability in working with others

Open-Ended Questions:
1. Please provide specific examples of when this person demonstrated effective teamwork skills.
2. What suggestions do you have for this person to improve their teamwork skills?

Competency: Leadership

Rating Scale: 1 – Needs Improvement, 2 – Somewhat Effective, 3 – Effective, 4 – Very Effective, 5 – Excellent

1. Sets clear goals and expectations for team members
2. Provides feedback and coaching to team members
3. Empowers team members to make decisions
4. Demonstrates strong decision-making skills
5. Builds trust with team members and stakeholders
6. Inspires and motivates team members
7. Demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement

Open-Ended Questions:
1. Please provide specific examples of when this person demonstrated strong leadership skills.
2. What suggestions do you have for this person to improve their leadership skills?


360-degree Feedback Questionnaire Template 2


1. Communication Skills
– Does the person communicate clearly and effectively with others?
– Does the person listen actively and respond appropriately to feedback?
– Does the person convey information in a timely manner?

2. Leadership Skills
– Does the person inspire and motivate others to achieve their goals?
– Does the person provide direction and guidance to team members?
– Does the person lead by example and set a positive tone for the team?

3. Teamwork Skills
– Does the person collaborate well with others to achieve common goals?
– Does the person contribute to a positive team environment?
– Does the person support and encourage team members?

4. Problem-Solving Skills
– Does the person identify and analyze problems effectively?
– Does the person develop and implement effective solutions?
– Does the person learn from past mistakes and use that knowledge to improve future outcomes?

5. Adaptability Skills
– Does the person remain flexible and open to change?
– Does the person respond positively to new challenges and opportunities?
– Does the person adjust their approach as needed to achieve desired outcomes?

6. Results-Oriented Skills
– Does the person set clear and measurable goals for themselves and their team?
– Does the person prioritize tasks effectively to achieve those goals?
– Does the person hold themselves and others accountable for achieving results?

7. Professionalism Skills
– Does the person conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times?
– Does the person demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior?
– Does the person respect the opinions and perspectives of others?

8. Overall Performance
– Based on your experience working with this person, how would you rate their overall performance?
– What are some areas where this person excels?
– What are some areas where this person could improve?

9. Personal Development
– Does the person actively seek out opportunities for personal and professional growth?
– Does the person take constructive feedback and use it to improve their skills?
– Does the person demonstrate a willingness to learn and develop new skills?

10. Relationship Building Skills
– Does the person build positive and productive relationships with colleagues, peers, subordinates, and supervisors?
– Does the person demonstrate empathy and understanding towards others?
– Does the person work to resolve conflicts and build consensus?

11. Innovation and Creativity
– Does the person generate new ideas and approaches to problems?
– Does the person encourage and support innovative thinking within their team?
– Does the person take calculated risks to achieve better outcomes?

12. Time Management Skills
– Does the person manage their time effectively to meet deadlines and achieve goals?
– Does the person prioritize tasks appropriately to maximize productivity?
– Does the person demonstrate a sense of urgency when necessary?

13. Technical Skills
– Does the person possess the necessary technical skills to perform their job effectively?
– Does the person stay up-to-date with current trends and developments in their field?
– Does the person seek out opportunities to improve their technical skills?

14. Customer Focus
– Does the person focus on meeting the needs of customers and clients?
– Does the person demonstrate a commitment to providing high-quality service?
– Does the person work to build positive relationships with customers and clients?

15. Management Skills (if applicable)
– Does the person effectively manage their team to achieve desired outcomes?
– Does the person provide feedback and coaching to team members to improve their performance?
– Does the person effectively allocate resources to achieve goals?

Related: 28 Essential Areas of Improvement for Employees [Examples]

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Ensuring Anonymity

Anonymity in 360-degree feedback is vital to encourage honest and candid responses. Remove identifiable information from feedback summaries and aggregate the data to maintain confidentiality.

Establish confidentiality rules and ensure raters understand those rules.


  1. Aggregate at least three raters per category to minimize traceability
  2. Use an external vendor or software for added anonymity
  3. Provide clear guidelines about anonymity and data handling procedures

Providing Constructive Feedback

When sharing 360-degree feedback results, focus on presenting constructive and actionable points. Frame feedback in a way that encourages growth and development. During feedback sessions, share key findings, strengths, and areas for improvement. Encourage open discussions to set actionable steps in a development plan.

Consider using a certified coach or mentor to help digest and interpret feedback results effectively.


  1. Discussing feedback themes, such as teamwork or adaptability, with specific examples
  2. Highlighting areas where the participant excels, like leadership and problem-solving
  3. Brainstorming and discussing next steps in a development plan based on the feedback received

Developing and Enhancing Skills with 360-Degree Feedback

Creating an Individual Development Plan

With a comprehensive understanding of your skillset, create an Individual Development Plan (IDP) to address your development needs. Outline specific goals and action steps that target key attributes, interactions, and competencies.

For example:

  1. Improve leadership skills by participating in leadership training opportunities and seeking guidance from experienced leaders.
  2. Boost self-awareness through mindfulness practices and soliciting honest feedback from coworkers.
  3. Increase productivity by implementing effective time management strategies and setting measurable goals.

Related: Individual Development Plan (with Examples and Templates)

60 Self-Performance Review Goals Examples

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How to Write a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

Establishing Accountability and Trust

Accountability is crucial when using 360-degree feedback to enhance your skills. Take ownership of your development and openly share your IDP with your manager or mentor. This transparency will promote trust, provide opportunities for ongoing support, and reinforce your commitment to growth. Creating a culture of accountability and openness within the workplace can enhance employee engagement and lead to a more effective feedback system. Examples of promoting trust and accountability include:

  1. Regularly discussing your IDP progress with your manager or mentor.
  2. Encouraging others to share their development plans and supporting their growth.
  3. Demonstrating integrity and taking responsibility for your performance.

Related: How to Build Trust in the Workplace [18 Effective Solutions]

Leveraging 360-Degree Feedback for Career Progression

Use 360-degree feedback to inform your career progression, as it equips you with a holistic understanding of your performance. Incorporate the insights gained from the feedback into your IDP to bolster targeted skills and competencies. This effort will strengthen your overall performance, demonstrate your drive for improvement, and position you for career advancement opportunities. To leverage 360-degree feedback for your career growth, consider:

  1. Identifying specific roles or positions that align with your strengths and development objectives.
  2. Actively seeking opportunities that align with your IDP goals, such as volunteer work or internships.
  3. Collaborating with human resources or your manager to identify potential career paths and training opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of 360-degree feedback?

360-degree feedback offers several advantages to you and your organization. It helps in identifying strengths and areas of improvement. By receiving input from multiple sources, you get a well-rounded view of your performance. This can lead to increased self-awareness and personal growth.

  • Improved management skills
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration
  • Better decision-making abilities
  • Higher levels of motivation and engagement

How effective is 360-degree feedback?

The effectiveness of 360-degree feedback depends on how it is implemented. When done correctly, it can lead to significant improvements in job performance and overall organizational success. Key factors include:

  • Clear objectives and focus
  • Constructive, specific feedback
  • An organizational culture that values growth and development

What makes up a 360-degree feedback appraisal?

A 360-degree feedback appraisal consists of feedback from different sources, including:

  1. Self-assessment
  2. Manager or supervisor feedback
  3. Peers and colleagues
  4. Direct reports
  5. External parties, such as customers and vendors

What are some tips for maximizing a 360-degree feedback program?

To make the most of a 360-degree feedback program, consider the following tips:

  • Establish clear goals for the program
  • Ensure anonymity and confidentiality of responses
  • Train feedback providers on how to give constructive input
  • Provide support and resources for development following the feedback process

What are the pros and cons of 360-degree feedback?


  • Comprehensive view of performance
  • Encourages personal and professional development
  • Reduces bias in appraisal processes
  • Highlights strengths and potential blind spots


  • Time-consuming nature of collecting and processing feedback
  • Potential for negative feedback to harm relationships
  • Need for a supportive, open culture to ensure effectiveness

What are examples of 360-degree feedback comments?

Some examples of constructive 360-degree feedback comments are:

  • “Your attention to detail has helped our team meet project deadlines consistently.”
  • “You demonstrate strong leadership skills when facilitating meetings and encouraging participation.”
  • “Improving communication with team members in other departments will help streamline project processes.”

Related: Examples of 360 Degree Feedback Comments

Posted in: Performance Reviews