
30 Examples: Performance Review Questions (Employee, Peer, Manager)

Performance reviews provide opportunities for employees, peers, and managers to assess their work, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and set new goals. They help employees understand their responsibilities, contribute to their professional growth, and foster a positive working environment.

The main benefits of performance reviews include:

  • Clarifying expectations and enhancing communication
  • Identifying strengths and areas for improvement
  • Setting goals and planning professional development
  • Fostering a culture of feedback and continuous improvement

Types of Performance Reviews

There are various types of performance reviews that serve different purposes. Some common types include:

  1. Self-assessment: In this review, you evaluate your own performance, discuss achievements, and identify areas for growth. This helps you reflect on your work and take responsibility for your development.
  2. Peer review: In a peer review, you and your coworkers provide feedback on each other’s performance. This allows you to learn from each other’s experiences, strengths, and areas of improvement.
  3. Manager review: In this type of review, your manager assesses your performance by considering your goals, achievements, and challenges. It can help you receive guidance or support and track your progress.
  4. 360-degree feedback: This comprehensive approach involves collecting feedback from employees, peers, managers, and sometimes clients. It provides a holistic view of your performance and helps identify areas for improvement.

Preparing for a Performance Review

Self-Assessment Guidelines

Before your performance review, take the time to reflect on your work performance by completing a self-assessment. Consider the following guidelines to help you with this process:

  1. Be objective: Evaluate your performance from an unbiased perspective. Identify your strengths and areas for improvement.
  2. Review your job description: Familiarize yourself with your role and responsibilities so you can assess how well you are performing against the stated expectations.
  3. Gather evidence: Collect supporting documents like emails, reports, and feedback you’ve received from colleagues that showcase your accomplishments or areas you may need to work on.
  4. Ask for feedback: Seek informal input from your peers or supervisors to identify areas where you excel or could benefit from additional support.
  5. Reflect on your goals: Think about the goals you set for yourself throughout the review period and assess your progress towards achieving them. Identify any obstacles or challenges you faced and how you overcame them.

Setting Goals and Objectives

In preparation for your performance review, set new goals and objectives to help guide your career growth and improve your performance. Here are some tips for setting effective goals:

  1. Make them SMART: Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This will make it easier to track your progress and evaluate your success.
  2. Align with organizational objectives: Align your goals with your company’s overall objectives to ensure you are contributing to the organization’s success.
  3. Balance short-term and long-term objectives: Set both short-term goals that can be achieved within the review period and long-term goals that may take longer to accomplish.
  4. Challenge yourself: Choose goals that stretch your skills and abilities, pushing you to continually grow and develop professionally.

Questions for Employee Self-Review

Strengths and Achievements

  1. What were my most significant accomplishments this year?
  2. Which tasks do I consistently perform well in?
  3. How have I contributed to my team’s overall success?
  4. What are the key strengths I’ve demonstrated this year?
  5. In which projects did I excel?
  Performance Review Summary Examples (Strengths, Weaknesses)

Areas for Improvement

  1. What were the challenges I faced this year?
  2. Were there any goals I didn’t achieve? Why?
  3. In which areas do I need more training or education?
  4. How can I work more effectively with my teammates?
  5. How can I improve my time-management skills?

Career Development

  1. What are my short-term and long-term career goals?
  2. Have I made progress toward these goals this year?
  3. Are there any new skills or certifications I want to pursue?
  4. How can my manager and organization support my career growth?
  5. Is there a specific project or role I want to take on?

How to Answer Common Self-Review Questions

“What achievements in the past year do you feel most proud of?”

As you reflect on your past year, think about the goals you’ve accomplished and the challenges you’ve overcome. For example, if you led a team to complete a project ahead of schedule, launched a successful marketing campaign, or streamlined an intricate process, be sure to highlight those achievements.

“How can the management support you better in achieving your future goals?”

Consider what resources, tools, or guidance will help you reach your objectives more efficiently. For instance, you might require additional training in a specific area, access to new software, or a mentor to help guide your growth and development.

“In what ways have you observed constructive feedback being implemented by your peers?”

Recall instances where you’ve noticed your coworkers taking feedback positively and making improvements in their work. Perhaps a colleague improved their presentation skills after receiving input or a team adjusted their strategy based on suggestions from others.

“What strengths do you feel your team or colleagues bring to the workplace?”

Reflect on the unique qualities that each individual contributes to your team, such as excellent problem-solving skills, strong communication capabilities, or impressive leadership abilities. Acknowledging these strengths not only highlights areas where your team excels, but also emphasizes the diverse talents that make your workplace successful.

“How do you approach prioritizing your tasks and managing your time effectively?”

Share strategies that help you stay organized and focused on your work objectives. You might use a task management system to track and prioritize tasks, set aside specific times for meetings and communication, or break down complex projects into smaller, manageable steps.

“Can you provide examples of how cross-departmental collaboration has influenced the project outcomes?”

Illustrate how collaborating with colleagues from different departments has brought about positive results for your projects. For example, you might discuss how a joint effort between the sales and marketing departments led to a successful product launch, or how collaborating with the IT department improved your team’s efficiency by streamlining technical processes.

Scenario-Based Questions

Challenging Projects

When evaluating your performance on challenging projects, consider the following questions:

  1. How did you tackle the most complex aspects of the project?
  2. What resources or assistance did you seek to overcome obstacles?
  3. How did you prioritize your tasks and allocate your time?
  4. Can you share any specific achievements or breakthroughs during the project?
  5. What did you learn from this experience and how will you apply it in a future similar project?
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You faced a tight deadline on a large-scale project, so you created a detailed timeline, identified potential bottlenecks, and communicated effectively with team members to deliver the project on time.

Conflict Resolution

  1. Can you describe a situation where you successfully resolved a conflict with a colleague?
  2. What strategies did you use to address the problem?
  3. How did you ensure that both parties’ concerns were addressed?
  4. Were there any negative consequences or escalations? If so, how were they mitigated?
  5. Going forward, what steps can be taken to prevent similar conflicts?


You noticed tension between two coworkers who had different priorities. You arranged a meeting with them, facilitated a productive conversation, and helped them agree on a resolution that benefitted the entire team.

Adaptability to Change

  1. How do you stay informed about changes in your organization or industry?
  2. Can you provide an example of a time when you quickly adapted to a significant change at work?
  3. What steps did you take to ensure your team was aware of and prepared for the change?
  4. How do you maintain focus and motivation during uncertain times?
  5. In retrospect, is there anything you would have done differently to better adapt or help your team cope with the change?


Your company went through a merger and you were tasked with integrating a new project management system. You started by learning the new system, trained team members, and provided ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition.

30 Example Questions to Prompt Self-Reflection During Performance Review

  • What were my most significant accomplishments this year?
  • Which tasks do I consistently perform well in?
  • How have I contributed to my team’s overall success?
  • What are the key strengths I’ve demonstrated this year?
  • In which projects did I excel?
  • What were the challenges I faced this year?
  • Were there any goals I didn’t achieve? Why?
  • In which areas do I need more training or education?
  • How can I work more effectively with my teammates?
  • How can I improve my time-management skills?
  • What are my short-term and long-term career goals?
  • Have I made progress toward these goals this year?
  • Are there any new skills or certifications I want to pursue?
  • How can my manager and organization support my career growth?
  • Is there a specific project or role I want to take on?
  • Which tasks take longer than expected, and why?
  • How do I handle stress and maintain work-life balance?
  • How do I respond to feedback from my manager or peers?
  • Am I effectively communicating with my colleagues and clients?
  • How have I helped others on my team succeed?
  • Have I demonstrated leadership qualities this year?
  • Are there any industry trends or changes I need to adapt to?
  • How do I stay organized and manage competing priorities?
  • What new relationships have I built within the organization?
  • How am I proactively seeking feedback and learning from it?
  • How have I contributed to a positive work environment?
  • How do I stay motivated and focused on my tasks and goals?
  • Do I actively participate in team meetings and brainstorming sessions?
  • How do I cope when my workload is overwhelming or deadlines are tight?
  • Have I taken on any volunteer work or additional responsibilities within the organization?

Questions for Peer Feedback

Team Collaboration

  1. How well do you feel the team works together?
  2. Can you provide an example of a team project that went smoothly?
  3. In what ways do we communicate effectively as a team?
  4. Are there any communication challenges you’ve noticed?
  5. How can I improve my collaboration skills within the team?
  6. Do you feel that our team effectively shares ideas and resources?
  7. What can we do to develop better teamwork in the future?
  8. Are there any particular situations where you feel the team could have collaborated more effectively?
  9. How can we better support each other in achieving our goals?
  10. Do you have suggestions for improving our team meetings?
  Listening Skills: Performance Review Examples (Rating 1 - 5)

Work Ethic

  1. How would you rate my productivity?
  2. What areas of my performance do you think are most effective?
  3. Can you recall a time when I demonstrated a strong work ethic?
  4. Are there any projects or tasks where you feel I could have put in more effort?
  5. How well do I manage my time and prioritize tasks?
  6. Do you have any suggestions on how I can improve my time management skills?
  7. Can you provide examples of my initiative or problem-solving skills?
  8. How do you feel I handle stress or challenging situations at work?
  9. Are there ways I can help to create a more supportive work environment for you and our teammates?
  10. How can I better balance work responsibilities with helping others on the team?

Questions for Managerial Review

Leadership and Vision

  1. What is your vision for your department or team over the next year?
  2. How do you inspire and motivate your team to achieve their goals?
  3. What steps do you take to stay informed and keep up-to-date with industry trends?
  4. Can you provide an example of a difficult decision you’ve made and how you handled it?
  5. How do you handle conflict within your team and ensure a positive outcome?
  6. How do you adapt your leadership style for different team members or situations?
  7. What methods do you use to delegate tasks effectively?
  8. How do you encourage your team to take ownership of their work and responsibilities?
  9. Can you share an example of how you’ve learned from a mistake or failure in your role?
  10. How do you measure your success as a manager and track progress in meeting goals?

Team Guidance

  1. How do you set realistic goals and expectations for your team members?
  2. What steps do you take to ensure clear communication within your team?
  3. How do you help your team prioritize tasks and manage their workload?
  4. Can you provide an example of how you’ve coached or mentored a team member to improve their skills?
  5. How do you handle underperforming team members and address performance issues?
  6. What strategies do you use to provide constructive feedback and guidance?
  7. How do you encourage collaboration and teamwork among team members?
  8. How do you track and recognize your team’s achievements and successes?
  9. Can you describe your approach to addressing skill gaps within your team and promoting professional growth?
  10. How do you create a supportive and inclusive work environment for your team members?


Posted in: Performance Reviews